Blessing of Vincenza and Pierluigi

In May Vincenza Re, who is working at the parlour of our Casa and assisting us in many things, married Pierluigi.    It was the wish of both of them to have the marriage blessed in our chapel and to celebrate with our community. After the liturgical celebration in our chapel with the participation of…

First Profession in Ndanda

One thing I ask from the Lord,this only do I seek:that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life. Ps 27:4 The Eucharistic celeblationwith Rite of First Profession ofNovice Juliana Francis Nyanu,Novice Pieta Christopher Joseph,Novice Christina Gaudence Chagike,Novice Happiness Nyanjiga Stephano,Novice Fortunata Solo Stephano   Saturday, September 24,202209:30am…

Summer camp – Bulgaria

Our summer camp this year started with a 5 day music program conducted by Sr. Franziska Lehmann from Tutzing Priory. The music program was to begin on the 30th of August but already on the 29th of August Sr. Franziska, who had just arrived the same day early in the morning, was ready to meet…