Beginning of Canonical Noviciate

On March 21, the feast of St. Benedict, Márcia Graziella was initiated to the noviciate. In the morning there was the initiation with the questioning in the presence of all sisters. In the evening the sisters and other formandees celebrated in a festive recreation. Novice Márcia Graziella with her novice directress Sr. Karla and Prioress M. Madalena

JPIC-Work in Olinda Priory

 “We can all cooperate as God’s instruments for the care of creation, each according to his or her own culture, experience, involvement and talents” (Laudato Si’ 14).  With this motivation, Sr. Glória, Sr. Karla, Sr. Maria, Sr. Macionila, Sr. Rita Maria, Sr. Marineide and Sr. Maria Inez, Laudato SI Animators of the Priory of Olinda,…