In 1920, expulsion of the German Sisters from East Africa allowed the Congregation to start a new mission in South Africa and Southwest Africa, now Namibia. Today, the Priory of Windhoek serves in pastoral and educational activities in small and rural communities, besides administering the Roman Catholic Hospital of Windhoek.

ADDRESS : Missionary Benedictine Sisters Windhoek (Portion 83, Nubuamis No. 37) / Namibia

TEL : 00264-61-311-700


Final Profession in Windhoek

On May 18, Saturday before Pentecost, Sr. Mary Celestine Ngesheya pronounced her final profession in the chapel of

Welcome IJP 2024

 On April 2, our two sisters for the International Juniorate Program 2024 were officially welcomed in a short


After beginnings in Swakopmund and opening mission stations in Kavango and Owamboland the sisters took over the administration of Roman Catholic Hospital next to the cathedral in Windhoek. The incorporation of a large group of Namibian sisters into our Congregation necessitated a larger monastery that was built on dry, hilly land in Nubuamis. In the year 2000 the new Priory House with novitiate was blessed

An urgent need for new missionaries arose in South West Africa, now Namibia, after World War I. The only female congregation at that time, the Franciscan Sisters of Nonnenwerth, was requested by their Generalate to leave “Maria Hilf Hospital” in Windhoek, now called “Roman Catholic Hospital”.

In 1920 the first Missionary Benedictine Sisters arrived in Swakopmund at the coast and soon they opened mission stations in the rural areas of Kavango and Owamboland. In 1923 they took over the administration of the Roman Catholic Hospital in Windhoek. From a predominantly German community the priory developed into an intercultural community with many good local vocations, ready to serve as missionaries in other parts of the world.
Today the more than 100 Sisters of different nationalities serve in 14 mission stations in the fields of education, health care, pastoral work, farming, catechism and first evangelization, apostolate of prayer, parish work, hostel management and feeding.



Final Profession in Windhoek

On May 18, Saturday before Pentecost, Sr. Mary Celestine Ngesheya pronounced her final profession in the chapel of the priory house of Windhoek.The holy mass

Welcome IJP 2024

 On April 2, our two sisters for the International Juniorate Program 2024 were officially welcomed in a short rite during noon prayer.  They are Sr.

Prayer for Final Profession in Windhoek

With joy Sr. Simon Lee, OSB, Prioress  and the Community of the Missionary Benedictine Sisters of Tutzing in Namibia  invite you to a  EUCHARISTIC CELEBRATION  with

Sr. Augusta (Annemarie) Kunz, OSB

“Do not be afraid,  for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Our dear Sr. Augusta (Annemarie)