First Profession in Peramiho
Sr. Marie Hubertine Pakayi-Pawi from Togo had first profession May 1, 2021 in Peramiho (with Subprioress Sr. Mary Grace Mujuni)
Sr. Marie Hubertine Pakayi-Pawi from Togo had first profession May 1, 2021 in Peramiho (with Subprioress Sr. Mary Grace Mujuni)
“Strong confidence in God’s inscrutable wayscalls us to walk the path of Easter.” As we continue to hope for the end of the pandemic, we wish to share with you our activities during the first three months of the New Year 2021 Holy week to Easter COMMUNITIES RECALL THEIR LENTEN PRACTICES FOR THE POOR One of…
A Prayer for the Earth – JOIN US Pope Francis urges the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics and all people of good will to take urgent action against the injustice of climate change and the ecological crisis, to protect the poor and future generations. His encyclical letter Laudato Si’ is a compelling call to care for…
Pope urges Catholics to pray in May for end to Covid-19 pandemic Pope Francis recites the Rosary on 30 May 2020 in the Vatican’s Lourdes Grotto (Vatican Media) Pope Francis invites Catholics and Marian Shrines around the world to dedicate the month of May to a marathon of prayer for an end to the Covid-19…
The Invitation Card for the First Profession in Manila
IJP (International Juniors’ Program) IN PROGRESS The International Juniors’ Program (IJP) in Rome started its ninth year welcoming four junior sisters in the second week of March. …under the guidance of the IJP coordinator Sr. Marie Johann Heo. Enhancing the Liturgy with drums and percussion The four young sisters from four different priories, three…
Happy Easter 2021 Yes, CHRIST my hope is risen: To Galilee he goes before you.
Prioress of the Seoul Priory’s Visit to the Daegu Priory House In mid-April 2021, numerous community pantries have sprouted across the country to help others in need of food and other basic necessities through donated goods or cash by people of goodwill. This concept of Filipino ‘bayanihan’ or solidarity with those in dire need amid…
On Wednesdays at St. Scholastica! Since 2008 every Wednesday we have half an hour of prayer with the coworkers of the school. A privileged time. With love and dedication, we commemorate the birthdays of each month and on the end of the semester. This half an hour of the afternoon is very important. All feel valorized…
The renewal of oblation Buenos Aires – Argentina With courage and joy our oblates had their day of retreat with the renewal of oblation during Vespers, after a long period without being present at meetings because of the pandemic. We also began the formation for new members who wish to be oblates and to live…