Pentecost Sunday “Come, Holy Spirit! “

Pentecost Sunday “Come, Holy Spirit! “ “ Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of your love; you who in diversity of all  the languages, bring together all the peoples of  faith in unity, alleluia.” -First Vespers Pentecost Magnificat Antiphon When the day of Pentecost came,And suddenly there…

Rogation Procession

Rogation and Ascension Traditionally, rogation processions are held in the days preceding the feast of Ascension to ask for a good harvest and blessing on the fields.  We in the Casa community had our rogation procession on May 10 between lauds and Holy Mass. While singing the litany of the saints and following the cross…

Lord, Bless This Home!

Lord, Bless This Home! On Saturday May 8, 2021 Santa Maria, the new home of Pedro Villano and his family was blessed. The whole community gathered with the new inhabitants of the house for prayer before M. Maoro blessed the whole house. Meanwhile, the son Andre prepared barbecue to welcome the sisters.