Medicines for the Poor in Tanzania

The St. Anna Health Center in Uwemba, founded and managed by the Missionary Benedictine Sisters, is an example of a well-functioning rural health care in the Njombe region in southwestern Tanzania. The hospital currently has a capacity of 87 beds. There are the following departments: General Medicine, Surgery, Internal Medicine, Gynecology and Obstetrics, Dentistry, Eye…

Pray for Final Profession in Ndanda

On May 6, Sr. Mary Agnes Minda, OSB will make her final profession together with Sr. Elisabeth Hodalo Same Kondokissem, OSB, Sr. Françoise Tohouleba, OSB and Sr. Marie Louise Tawalessi from Togo, who after 3 years probation time will make final profession in our Congregation.  Sr. Mary Agnes Minda, OSB Sr.Elisabeth Hodalo Sama Kondokissem.OSB Sr.Françoise Tohouleba  OSB…

Ndanda Visitation Ongoing

On February 24 the canonical visitation was opened in Ndanda Priory.It will be conducted by M. Maoro Sye assisted by Sr. Katharina Mtitu. In the Priory House Chapel 1st workshop in Ndanda 2nd workshop with junior sisters with the intensifiers and three prioresses present for teaching(Sr. Rosa Pascal, Sr. Simon Lee and Sr. Raphaela Mlwilo) …

First Profession in Ndanda

One thing I ask from the Lord,this only do I seek:that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life. Ps 27:4 The Eucharistic celeblationwith Rite of First Profession ofNovice Juliana Francis Nyanu,Novice Pieta Christopher Joseph,Novice Christina Gaudence Chagike,Novice Happiness Nyanjiga Stephano,Novice Fortunata Solo Stephano   Saturday, September 24,202209:30am…