Programa de Renovação Missionária na Tanzania

No dia 30 de junho, o Programa de Renovação Missionária na Tanzania, teve inicio com 23 participantes provenientes dos 12 Priorados.O tema do programa é:Caminhar nas pegadas das nossas Pioneiras;Renovando o nosso Zelo Missionário O encontro começou no Centro da Conferencia Episcopal da Tanzania em Dar es Salaam,onde puderam assistir, via online, a conferencia de…


No dia 7 de junho, Solenidade do Sagrado Coração de Jesus,  foi abençoado e inaugurado um novo convento – Comunidade do Sagrado Coração em Majengo / Runzewe.  Nossa Comunidade, que faz parte do Priorado de Ndanda, está em Kabuhima / Runzewe  desde 2009 vivendo na casa paroquial. À medida em que o espaço se tornou pequeno e muito movimentado,   com a…

First Profession in Ndanda

On the Congregation’s Foundation Day, September 24, five novices made their first profession in Ndanda Priory. They are Juliana Nyamu, now Sr. Maria Juliana, OSB, Pieta Nyami, now Sr. Scholastica, OSB, Christina Chagike, now Sr. Mary Martine, OSB, Happyness Nyanjiga Selekwa, now Sr. Maria Makrina, OSB, and Fortunata Solo, now Sr. Maria Antonia, OSB. Congratulations…

First Profession in Ndanda

One thing I ask from the Lord,this only do I seek:that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life. Ps 27:4 The Eucharistic celeblationwith Rite of First Profession ofNovice Juliana Francis Nyanu,Novice Pieta Christopher Joseph,Novice Christina Gaudence Chagike,Novice Happiness Nyanjiga Stephano,Novice Fortunata Solo Stephano   Saturday, September 24,202209:30am…


SISTERS’ INVOLVEMENT IN ECOLOGICAL ECONOMY The sisters care and rejoice over the good harvest of jackfruits of the Priory “Mafuriko” garden. The sisters are harvesting Rosella in Liundu Priory Farm   Aspirants and Postulants are processing cashew nuts harvested from the priory farm in Liundu. Cashew grains already processed ECOLOGICAL SUSTAINABILITY Care for arid-desert plants in…

Renewal of Vows of Sr. Maria Eliza Kibonge (Peramiho Priory)

Renewal of Vows of Sr. Maria Eliza Kibonge (Peramiho Priory) On July 11 Junior Sister Sr. Maria Eliza  Kibonge renewed her profession for three years.    She signed the profession card, thus committing herself tof follow Christ in the religious community, stability in the Congregation of the Missionary Benedictine Sisters of Tutzing and obedience according…