Profissão Perpétua em Norfolk
No dia 9 de novembro, Ir. Beatrice Francis Mdoe fez sua Profissão Perpétua em Norfolk. Ir. Beatrice Francis é membro do Priorado de Ndanda. Parabéns, que Deus a proteja sempre!
Em julho de 1903, oito irmãs missionárias chegaram a Olinda, Brasil. Em 1905, duas irmãs de Olinda viajaram para o sul para estabelecer outra fundação em Sorocaba. Hoje, as irmãs ministram em muitas pré-escolas (creches)…
Em 1905, duas irmãs de Olinda viajaram para o sul para estabelecer outra fundação em Sorocaba.
Em 1995, o Priorado de Sorocaba recebeu cinco membros de uma União Piedosa em Buenos Aires, Argentina. Hoje, as irmãs ministram em muitas creches, escolas primárias e secundárias, em alguns institutos de saúde e em muitas atividades sociais e pastorais.
Em 1995, Buenos Aires, Argentina (Priorado de Sorocaba) (06 de janeiro): cinco membros de uma Pia União no Monasterio de la Epifania iniciaram seu noviciado canônico e fizeram a profissão perpétua em 10 de fevereiro de 1998.
Em 1923, quatro irmãs foram enviadas aos Estados Unidos para ministrar aos colonos alemães no meio-oeste. Mais tarde, foi estabelecido o Priorado de Norfolk, e as irmãs serviram nos ministérios de educação, saúde e pastoral.
Em julho de 1903, oito irmãs missionárias chegaram a Olinda, Brasil. Em 1905, duas irmãs de Olinda viajaram para o sul para estabelecer outra fundação em Sorocaba. Hoje, as irmãs ministram em muitas pré-escolas (creches)…
Em 1905, duas irmãs de Olinda viajaram para o sul para estabelecer outra fundação em Sorocaba.
Em 1995, o Priorado de Sorocaba recebeu cinco membros de uma União Piedosa em Buenos Aires, Argentina. Hoje, as irmãs ministram em muitas creches, escolas primárias e secundárias, em alguns institutos de saúde e em muitas atividades sociais e pastorais.
Em 1995, Buenos Aires, Argentina (Priorado de Sorocaba) (06 de janeiro): cinco membros de uma Pia União no Monasterio de la Epifania iniciaram seu noviciado canônico e fizeram a profissão perpétua em 10 de fevereiro de 1998.
Em 1923, quatro irmãs foram enviadas aos Estados Unidos para ministrar aos colonos alemães no meio-oeste. Mais tarde, foi estabelecido o Priorado de Norfolk, e as irmãs serviram nos ministérios de educação, saúde e pastoral.
No dia 9 de novembro, Ir. Beatrice Francis Mdoe fez sua Profissão Perpétua em Norfolk. Ir. Beatrice Francis é membro do Priorado de Ndanda. Parabéns, que Deus a proteja sempre!
Com alegria, as Prioresas de Ndanda e Norfolk anunciam a profissão perpétua da Irmã Beatrice Francis Mdoe, pertencente ao Priorado de Ndanda. O rito da profissão ocorrerá durante uma celebração eucarística em nosso Mosteiro Immaculata, em Norfolk/EUA, no dia 9 de novembro, às 14 horas. Rezemos por ela!
No dia 21 de setembro a noviça Patrícia Avelino da Silva fez sua Primeira Profissão na Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Misericórdia em Olinda, na sede do Priorado. Diante do celebrante e de toda a assembleia ela leu sua Carta de Profissão prometendo seguimento de Cristo na Comunidade Religiosa,estabilidade na Congregação das Irmãs Beneditinas Missionárias de Tutzing…
Blessed is she who believed that the promise made her by the Lord would be fulfilled! (Lk 1:45)Mother Maria Madalena Ferreira de Mendonça, Prioress, and the Missionary Benedictine Sisters ofTutzing, Olinda Priory ask your prayer for Novice Patrícia Avelino da Silva, who will make her first profession on Saturday, September 21 at 9 am in the Nossa Senhora da Misericórdia…
A Argentina era originalmente um país atraente e habitável, mas há cerca de20 anos tem sofrido um enorme declínio econômico e institucional. Isto temcausado um impacto muito negativo no nível de vida e na educação daspessoas promovendo uma crescente perda de valores na sociedade. Metadeda população vive abaixo do nível pobreza. Muitos não conseguem mais…
No dia 2 de abril, duas junioristas do Programa Internacional de Juniorato de 2024 foram oficialmente acolhidas através de um breve ritual durante a Hora Meridiana. São elas Ir. Michael Marie Kudumu do Priorado de Windhoek e Ir. Maria Auderlane dos Santos Belarmino do Priorado de Olinda. Depois da oraçáo rezada por M. Maoro, todas as Irmãs abençoaram as Junioristas com…
“Feliz és tu que acreditaste!”Lc 1, 45 A Prioresa e as Irmãs Beneditinas Missionárias de Tutzing sentem-se felizes em convidá-lo (a) a participar da Celebração Eucarística, na qual a noviça Eleonora Agostino Gomez para sua Primeira Profissão, segundo a Regra de São Bento,no dia 09 de março de 2024, às 16 h na Igreja Nossa Senhora do RosárioSorocaba – SP / Brasilien Sua oração e presença…
No dia 8 de dezembro, Solenidade da Imaculada Conceição da Virgem Maria, realizou-se no Priorado de Olinda a Profissão Perpétua de Ir. Isabela Barbosa dos Anjos e a Primeira Profissão da Noviça Maria Helen Rodrigues das Neves, que a partir de então se chamará Ir. Maria Hellen. Noviça Maria Helen lendo sua Carta de Profissão, fazendo…
Ir. Madalena Mendonça, OSB, Prioresa, e as Irmãs Beneditinas Missionárias de Tutzing – Priorado de Olinda com gratidão e alegria convidam para a Celebração Eucaristica com rito de Profissão Perpétua de Ir. Isabela Barbosa do Anjos, e da Primeira Profissão da Noviça Maria Helen Rodrigues das Neves Sexta-feira, 8 de dezembro de 2023, às 9…
No domingo, 26 de novembro, Solenidade de Cristo Rei, Ir. Ursula Fuchs, a prioresa que terminou seu mandado, empossou Ir. Irene Paggi no cargo como nova Prioresa de Sorocaba. Ir. Ursula recebeu esta delegação da M. Maoro. Ir. Irene recebeu das mãos de Ir. Ursula uma estátua de N. Senhora Aparecida. Que Maria a ajude no…
“Do not be afraid, for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Our dear Sr. Norberta (Benedita) Sanchez, OSB was called home to God on September 27, 2023 in Sorocaba She was born on December 10, 1922 in São Manoel, Diocese of Botucatu in Brazil. She offered herself…
No dia 31 de julho de 1923, as irmãs Diemud Gerber, Ludovika Kohler, Iniga Endres e Soteris Spieler chegaram à aldeia agrícola alemã de Raeville, Nebraska, para iniciar a nova fundação das Irmãs Beneditinas Missionárias nos Estados Unidos da América. No dia 30 de julho foi celebrada uma missa de ação de graças em Raeville. 30 de julho – Missa…
Através do compromisso dedicado dos Membros da Gestão e de doadores generosos, foi possivel angariar fundos para construir um novo prédio para a escola elementar no lugar de “um prédio de terceira geração” construido nos anos de 1950 para outras finalidades, não propriamente escola. Nesta colina, no ano de 1907, Santa Katherine Drexel, Fundadora das…
No dia 21 de julho de 1903 , ha 120 anos as 8 primeiras Irmãs Beneditinas Missionarias chegaram em Olinda Pernambuco para fazer uma fundação da Congregação no Brasil.As Irmãs do Priorado de Olinda comemoraram esta data com uma vigilia de oração. Nomes das 8 irmãs pioneiras no Brasil Essa gruta foi construída pelas primeiras…
No dia 16 de julho, Ir. Irene Paggi foi eleita como Prioresa do Priorado de Sorocaba pelo Capítulo de Eleição presidido por Ir. Vania Maria Toscano. Neste cargo ele sucede Ir. Ursula Fuchs que termina seu mandato em novembro. Sisters during the election chapter Prioress Sr. Ursula Fuchs (right) together with Prioress elect Sr. Irene…
“Do not be afraid, for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Our dear Sr. Andrea (Vivan) Polt, OSB was called home to God on May 19, 2023 in Norfolk. She was born on November 12, 1933 in Pierce, USA in the Diocese of Omaha. She offered herself to God…
“Do not be afraid, for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Our dear Sr. Josephine (Dorothy) Ewertz, OSB was called home to God on May 3, 2023 in Norfolk. She was born on December 26, 1925 in Colwich, USA, Diocese of Wichita She offered herself to God through Temporary…
“Do not be afraid, for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Our dear Sr. Hilde (Hildegund Anna) Martin, OSB was called home to God on April 29, 2023 in Sorocaba. She was born on May 23, 1938 in Augsburg, Germany, Diocese of Augsburg . She offered herself to God…
A preciosa imagem de Nossa Senhora da Misericórdia, da Igreja em nosso Priorado de Olinda necessitou urgentemente de restauro. No dia 9 de março as Irmãs apresentaram oficialmente o projeto ao IPHAN (Instituto Nacional da preservação do Patriominio Cultural) o pedido de suporte financeiro com a esperança de que será arpovado.
“Todos nós Podemos colaborar como Instrumentos de Deus no cuidado para com a criação, cada um de acordo com dua própria cultura, sua experiencia, envolvimento e talentos” (Laudato Si’ 14). Com esta motivação, desde a Assembleia do Priorado de 2022, Ir. Glória, Ir. Karla, Ir. Maria, Ir. Macionila, Ir. Rita Maria, Ir. Marineide e Ir.…
In 1943 twelve Sisters, most of them under 30, started a new community taking over a school founded in 1919. Of such a new foundation we can only dream nowadays. As time went by, the flourishing Education and Missionary center declined and had to be closed in 2012. Why do we then celebrate 80th jubilee?…
“Do not be afraid, for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Our dear Sr. Digna (Luiza) Pereira de Queiroz, OSB was called home to God on January 13, 2023 in Barbalha. She was born on June 19, 1929 in Nazare da Mata, PE, Diocese of Nazare da Mata,…
From January 2 – 4, sisters of Olinda priory gathered together to work out a plan for the next three years. These were wonderful days of reflection and deepening, but also relaxation with animation by Sister Fátima Cardoso, Sister Lídia and Sister Aleluia. Through the collaboration of all sisters and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit,…
On January 1, 2023, Olinda Priory celebrated the temporary profession of Sr. Isabela Barbosa dos Anjos at Academia Santa Gertrudes in Olinda. Sr. Isabela showing her profession card. After the liturgical celebration followed the joyfully being together with the sisters,here with prioress M. Madalena Mendonça and junior directress Sr. Maria do Socorro da Silva.
“Do not be afraid, for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Our dear Sr. Gliceria (Maria de Lourdes) Florentino Diniz, OSB was called home to God on December 26, 2022 in Recife. She was born on January 8, 1930 in Princesa Isabel, Diocese of Patos, Brazil. She…
On December 17, Sr. Ana Paula de Lima of Olinda Priory celebrated her final profession near the Chapel of our Lady of Grace in Buique / PE. In solemn and joyful procession the sisters, the servers and celebrants moved from the chapel to the prepared place. M. Madalena Mendonça, Prioress, questioned Sr. Ana Paula about her…
On November 28, Sr. Rosann Ocken was re-elected as prioress of Norfolk for a second term of three years. The election chapter was presided by Sr. Lumen Gloria Dungca, Vicaress General. We thank Sr. Rosann for accepting once more the call to service in leadership. Chapter Delegates,in front center Sr. Lumen Gloria and Sr. Rosann…
The XVIII National Eucharistic Congress of Brazil took place in the Archdiocese of Olinda and Recife from November 11-15. It began with a prayer meeting at the Sé Cathedral in Olinda with 200 bishops. The Archbishop of Olinda and Recife, Dom Fernando Saburido, gave each bishop a gift, a replica of the wooden pectoral cross…
On September 3, Sr. Sarah Elizabeth McMahon, OSB made her final profession in Norfolk. While the assembly prayed to all the Saints to support Sr. Sarah Elizabeth in her commitment, she was lying prostrate as a sign of her total surrender to the will of God. She signed the profession card promising to follow Christ in…
On Sep 18, Olinda Priory invited young women to participate in a vocational meeting. The theme was the vocation of the first disciples (Jn 1, 35-45). The meeting concluded with adoration and the prayer of vespers. May God continue his work begun in the lives of these young women!
“Do not be afraid, for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Our dear Sr. Ursula (Hildegard) Worringen, OSB was called home to God on September 12, 2022 in Recife She was born on February 12, 1919 in Köln-Nippes, Germany, Diocese of Köln. She offered herself to…
A few months ago, our friend Mike Anderson approached us with the news that he was hoping to bring 100 Ukrainian refugees to Norfolk. Like a fire, Mike’s dream sparked the hearts of concerned persons interested in this mission and the plan began to take shape, albeit with many, many ups and downs. Our monastery…
Now dressed with the religious habit Sr. Maria Auderlane shows her signed profession card to the assembly. The 16th of July, feast of Our Lady of Carmel, was the day of the first profession of Novice Maria Auderlane Santos Belarmino. The Holy Mass was presided over by Dom José Antero, in the church of the Priory’s house.…
After the visit of the two communities in Argentina, the vitiators returned to Brazil for a visit of the communities in São Paulo, one of them belonging to Sorocaba Priory, the community of Ipiranga, and another community for the work with Korean immigrants belonging to Daegu Priory Korean community in São Paulo The visitation was finalised in…
On July 4, the visitators M. Maoro Sye and Sr. Vania Maria Toscano moved to winterly cold Argentina to visit the two communities there. Community in Los Toldos Community in Buonos Aires Community in Buenos Aires with Oblates
Through educational actions of Colégio Imaculado Coração de Maria students were mobilised to donate food to the São Sebastião School, located in a socially vulnerable community. This activity strengthens in the students the awareness to be one human family where all are brother and sisters and the responsibility for our Common Home.
Celebration of Sacred Heart On June 24th of this year we celebrated the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Our Olinda Priory being dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, some Sisters and members of the Novitiate performed musical numbers in the evening. Feast of St. John the Baptist It is tradition in Brazil…
Students from Colégio Imaculado Coração de Maria in Olinda Pernambuco, collect donations for those displaced by the heavy rains in the metropolitan region.
Blood Donation Campaign The São Vicente de Paulo Hospital in Barbalha run by our sisters participated in the Blood Donor Day June 14 by launching a blood donation campaign. We thank all who are ready to help those in need by this blood donation! Barbalha Hospital starts new Project On June 16, 2022,…
Sr. Irani Bernardo Evangelista, OSB, director of Academia Santa Gertrudes, together with Professor Ivis and students from Elementary School 1, on the 110th anniversary of ASG. On June 3, the Santa Gertrudes Academy in Olinda / Brazil completed 110 years. Through all these years our sisters together with lay mission partners…
The visitation in Norfolk Priory took place from February 13 – 26, 2022 conducted by Sr. Lumen Gloria Dungca assisted by Sr. Katharina Mtitu. Opening the visitation in Winnebago Sr. Katharina with Sr. Josephine >> NORFOLK PRIORY
In March 2022 Sr. Luciana Aparecida Andrade sent from Sorocaba to Argentina. She received the mission cross by Prioress M. Ursula Fuchs. We pray for a fruitful mission of Sr. Luciana in Argentina!
On March 19, 2022 Sr. Maria Juliana Lins and Sr. Escolástica Moura celebrated their final profession in Olinda Priory / Brazil. During the litany of all Saints Singing: Suscipe me Domine After the celebration with M. Madalena Mendonça, Prioress and M. Angela Strobel, Junior Directress
“Do not be afraid, for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Our dear Sr. Lucida (Beatrix) Schmieder, OSB was called home to God on December 25, 2021 in Barbalha. She was born on June 16, 1927 in Bruchsal , Diocese of Freiburg in Germany. She offered…
Sharing with others especially the poor and the needy In this picture we are giving this hand made quilt to the “Giving Guides” a group that deals directly with people on the streets. Rosary Making These rosaries have traveled to many different continentents. Trees and garden produce our compound is not so large, he uses…
The Earth Day – School Event Reuse, Reduce, Recycle Ecological environment presentation by students The Franciscan Priest and the children with the dogs will be put side by side. The priests came to the school maybe on the feast of St. Francis to bless the animals.
CARE for Cancer Patients collecting oil from kitchen (used) what they receive when sold is financial support for the house of cancer patients under treatment in our Hospital Social center 60 children are members of the project Conviver Covid department on our Hospital Ecological Education Our Novitiate Garden
On Dec 12, 2021 Nov. Laiane Costa dos Santospronounced her first profession in Olinda / Brazil. She received the white habit and veil from Prioress Sr. Madalena Mendonça. From now on she will be called Sr. Laiane. As a Missionary Benedictine Sister she is called to bring light to the world by leading people to…
136th Foundation Day and Jubilee Celebration Our Foundation day, September 24, was celebrated with gratefulness for our Congregation and for our four jubilarians: Sr. Bernardine Beckman, 75 years Sr. Rita Marie Tofflemire, 40 years Sr. Lumen Odom, 25 years Sr. Letisia Komba, 25 years.
“Do not be afraid, for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Our dear SR. WERBURGA (Waltraud) SCHAFFRATH , OSB was called home to God on August 27, 2021 in Barbalha. She was born on September 6, 1930 in Wuppertal-Elberfeld, Germany, Diocese of Koln. She offered…
Richly Blessed! The Norfolk community has been richly blessed with an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables. The sisters normally join together to tackle the heavy canning and freezing of foods. It is a big job, but because of our working together, we do manage well. We are grateful to God and to all those…
First Profession in Olinda On July 11, 2021 Sr. Maria Renária Henrique Avelino said her yes during the celebration of her first profession in Olinda / Brazil. Prioress Sr. Madalena Mendonça with the newly professed Sister Maria Renária The Holy Mass was presided over by Archbishop Antônio Fernando Saburido, himself being a Benedictine monk. SEE MORE…
Benefit for the Poor On June 28, 2021, several sisters met with Fayet Klug, the director of “The Giving Guides” of Norfolk. This group of givers is providing needs to people in the Norfolk Area. It was our joy to give her six quilt/throws, made by Sr. Carole Ann, here at Immaculata Monastery.
“Way to the fields” IMMACULATE CONCEPTION COMMUNITY – Itapetininga Our children did not miss to get their Easter gift. It was organized like a paschal Drive –thru, thus the parents could bring the children receiving their so much expected Easter Eggs. During May we had anew the prayer of the Rosary with our employees, every day…
On Wednesdays at St. Scholastica! Since 2008 every Wednesday we have half an hour of prayer with the coworkers of the school. A privileged time. With love and dedication, we commemorate the birthdays of each month and on the end of the semester. This half an hour of the afternoon is very important. All feel valorized…
The renewal of oblation Buenos Aires – Argentina With courage and joy our oblates had their day of retreat with the renewal of oblation during Vespers, after a long period without being present at meetings because of the pandemic. We also began the formation for new members who wish to be oblates and to live…
Sister Domingas (Suk Hyen) Cha, OSB “Do not be afraid, for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Our dear Sister Domingas (Suk Hyen) Cha, OSB was called home to God on April 14, 2021 in Sorocaba. She was born on August 4, 1937 in Sinnyju, Pyung…
“Do not be afraid, for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Sr. Fabiola (Maria José) de Morais died on April 7, 2021 in Votorantim / Brazil. May she rest in peace. << OBITUARIES
“Do not be afraid, for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Sr. Rosamaria (Maria Aleuda) de Lira died on April 1, 2021 in Barbalha / Brazil. May she rest in peace. Sr. Rosamaria (Maria Aleuda) de Lira (1940 – 2021) Ger Port Kor <<…
Final Profession of Sr. Alaíde and Sr. Macionila Campos On February 6, 2021, in the Church of the Misericórdia, Olinda, our Juniors Sr. Alaíde Bezerra da Silva and Sr. Macionila Campos de Oliveira gave themselves definitively to the Lord and to the service of the Kingdom in our Congregation. The Mass was celebrated together with…