dez192022 On December 17, Sr. Ana Paula de Lima of Olinda Priory celebrated her final profession near the Chapel of our Lady of Grace in Buique / PE. In solemn and joyful procession the sisters, the servers and celebrants moved from the chapel to the prepared place. M. Madalena Mendonça, Prioress, questioned Sr. Ana Paula about her readiness to commit herself for her whole life. While the people assembled prayed the litany of the Saints, Sr. Ana Paula prostrated herself in front of the altar as a sign of total surrender. Bishop José Luiz Ferreira Salles C.Ss.R., who presided over the mass, blessed Sr. Ana Paula and consecrated her for the Church. It was a special and joyful event not only for the whole of Olinda Priory, but also for the town of Buique. May God always keep and strengthen Sr. Ana Paula in her vocation! Navegação de post:AnteriorPost anterior:Please pray for the Final Profession in OlindaPróximoPróximo post:DEDICATION OF REGINA CAELI PARISH CHURCH in Karen – NairobiRelated PostsIr. Lumen Gloria Dungca foi eleita Prioresa de Manila20/11/2024Profissão Perpétua em Norfolk10/11/2024