8 May—Fair Trade Day 2021  Theme: Build Back Fairer. is a global event that aims to draw attention to the objectives and achievements of the Fair Trade movement by highlighting solutions and actions. Organized by the World Fair Trade Organization, the aim of the day is to celebrate Fair Trade and encourage the public to,…

Welcome, Sr. Beata Mbuvi!

Welcome, Sr. Beata Mbuvi! After two weeks of quarantine,Sr. Beata Katuku Mbuvi from Nairobi Priorywas officially welcomed in the Casa community in Rome. During a short welcome rite integrated in noon prayerM. Maoro and the whole communityprayed for a fruitful time for Sr. Beata. Sr. Beata praying together with the community.

A Prayer for the Earth – JOIN US

A Prayer for the Earth – JOIN US Pope Francis urges the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics and all people of good will to take urgent action against the injustice of climate change and the ecological crisis, to protect the poor and future generations. His encyclical letter Laudato Si’ is a compelling call to care for…