Pictured by : Sr. Bertha Oh(Daegu priory) The 11th of July is solemnity in all our communities spread over the world,as we remember St. Benedict,who in his wisdom wrote a rule,which moulded the lives of countless people after him. One important key word in his rule is Listen,… Listen with the ear of your heart! Also…

Summer Camp in Zarevbrod

During summer holidays, the sisters invite children from Zarevbrod and other near-by villages to spend days together, to play, pray and enjoy the beautiful nature.  The theme for this year is:  The Ten Commandments of God for a good life! The first group with Sr. Angela and Sr. Nadya The first group this year consisted of…

Community Days in Bulgaria

 From June 26 – 27, the sisters in Bulgaria of the two communities of Zarevbrod and Sekirovo met for community days accompanied by Sr. Mechthild Hommel, Subprioress of Tutzing Priory. From left to right: Sr. Marie Ignatio Chung, Sr. Mechhild Hommel, Sr. Abraham Kang, Fr. Nedyalko of Sekirovo Parish, Sr. Elisabeth Busbach, Sr. Ludwig Cho,…

Sr. Alfrida (Adelgunde) Plückthun, OSB

  “Do not be afraid,  for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Our dear Sr. Alfrida (Adelgunde) Plückthun,  OSB   was called home to God on June 28, 2023 in Haus St. Benedikt, Tutzing. She was born on March 31, 1933 in Calcar, Germany in the Diocese of…

Visitation in Demarest / USA

 From June 13 to June 19, after the visitation in Los Angeles, M. Maoro continued with the visitation in the community of Demarest, which belongs to Seoul Priory. with the community in front of St. Joseph Parish During the workshop Visit of St. Paul’s Abbey in Newton, here with Abbot Joel Macul, OSB