First and Final Profession in Jinja / Uganda
The Solemn Monastic Profession: On September 24The First Monastic Profession: On September 17
The Solemn Monastic Profession: On September 24The First Monastic Profession: On September 17
Now dressed with the religious habit Sr. Maria Auderlane shows her signed profession card to the assembly. The 16th of July, feast of Our Lady of Carmel, was the day of the first profession of Novice Maria Auderlane Santos Belarmino. The Holy Mass was presided over by Dom José Antero, in the church of the Priory’s house.…
After the visit of the two communities in Argentina, the vitiators returned to Brazil for a visit of the communities in São Paulo, one of them belonging to Sorocaba Priory, the community of Ipiranga, and another community for the work with Korean immigrants belonging to Daegu Priory Korean community in São Paulo The visitation was finalised in…
“Do not be afraid, for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Our dear Sr. Guntheris (Mathilde) Wenig, OSB was called home to God on July 17, 2022 in Peramiho. She was born on January 29, 1927 in Bischofsmais, Germany, Diocese of Passau. She offered herself to…
Happy Feast Day of St. Benedict! We celebrated the Solemnity of St. Benedict on Monday, July 11 Life of St. Benedict Life of St. Benedict according to the dialogues St. Gregory, with tapestry images made by our Sr. Liobgitha Weis, OSB ⅠBenedict receives the monastic habit.ⅡThe devil breaks the bell rope.ⅢBenedict gives back to the Goth the sickle…
“Do not be afraid, for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Our dear Sr. Dietgard (Walburga) Dolp, OSB was called home to God on June 29, 2022 in Tutzing. She was born on December 6, 1925 in Hausen, Germany, Diocese of Diocese of …
Today, on the feast of the most Sacred Heart of Jesus, we Missionary Benedictine Sisters of Tutzing, whose congregation is dedicated to him, want to be mindful of his goodness to our community and to each one of us and want to give him thanks. Again and again we have experienced his love and…
Congratulations to Sr. Kateri Marie Nkale, OSB, Sr. Piensia Mfuse and to the whole Priory of Peramiho to the Final Profession of both sisters on June 18. Together with M. Ruth Bartonico, Prioress, 2nd row Sr. Mary Grace Mujuni and Sr. Gracia Mligo
“Do not be afraid, for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Our dear Sr. Marie Via (Myong Ja) Sye, OSB was called home to God on June 7, 2022 in Seoul. She was born on February 4, 1941 in Ansung, Diocese of Suwon, Korea. She offered herself to God…
On May 24 the Prioresses’ Meeting 2022 concluded with a closing mass, … where participants offered their commitments,… the last presentation of the message,… the closing remarks by M. Maoro Sye, OSB,…and the closing liturgy. That in all things God may be glorified!