Ir. Marie Stella Simkoko recebeu a Cruz Missionária

No dia 13 de fevereiro, Ir. Marie Stella Simkoko, juniorista do Priorado de Peramiho, Recebeu a Cruz Missionária para ser enviada por dois anos para o Priorado de Norfolk. Ir. Ruth Bartonico, Prioresa, entregando a Curz Missionária a Ir. Marie Stella. Ir. Marie Stella com a Cruz Missionária, pronta para ser enviada Querida Ir. Marie…

Ash Wednesday

Remember that you are dust, and into dust you shall return. Every year we are reminded that we are dust,fragile, mortal, small. Fr. Leonardo pointed out the three features of ashes:It is light – we are called to be light, easily to be moved by the blow of the Spirit.It is used as fertiliser in…

Congratulations for First Profession in Peramiho

 Congratualtions to Sr. Mary Francis Simwanza, Sr. Maria Saraphina Sanga, Sr. Maria Noela Kokushabira and Sr. Maria Beatrix Mjila, who celebrated their first profession in Peramiho on February 10. from left to right: Sr. Mary Beatrix, Sr. Maria Noela, Sr. Maria Saraphina, Sr. Mary Francis Sr. Maria Saraphina signs her profession card They sing together “Suscipe” –…

Congratulations for First Profession in Windhoek / Namibia

Congratulations to Sr. Christiana Mungeli, Sr. Mirjam Johannes and Sr. Mary Joachim Iiyambo, who celebrated their first profession on February 11 in Nubuamis Priory House, Windhoek. The rite of first profession started already on the evening before with the washing of the feet of the three novices Christina, Mirjam and Tuuliki. In community life, we need to…

Congratulations for First and Final Profession in Daegu

 Congratulations to Sr. Marie Angelo Park, Sr. Cordia Choi, and Sr. Mary Grace Kim, who made their final profession in Daegu on February 10, 2023. from left to right: Sr. Mary Grace Kim, Sr. Cordia Choi, Sr. Marie Angelo Park Congratulations also to Sr. Ottilia Kim, who made her first profession on February 9 in Daegu. May God continue…

ST. SCHOLASTICA – February 10

 O GLORIOUS ST. SCHOLASTICA, O DOVE WHO FLEW TO HEAVEN ON WINGS OF LOVE Scholastica was according to the Dialogues of St. Gregory the Great the sister of St. Benedict, who was from her youth dedicated to God. She liked to come once per year to meet her brother for spiritual exchange. When they met…