New Leadership for Change

  The International Union of Superiors General (UISG) launched a campaign to highlight the commitment of Catholic Sisters to tackle global development challenges. Over centuries of supporting the world’s most marginalised and vulnerable, Sisters have consolidated an outstanding model of community engagement based on three pillars – presence, encounter and service.    

Olinda: Blood Donation Campaign and Starts new Project in Barbalha Hospital

Blood Donation Campaign     The São Vicente de Paulo Hospital in Barbalha run by our sisters participated in the Blood Donor Day June 14 by launching a blood donation campaign. We thank all who are ready to help those in need by this blood donation!   Barbalha Hospital starts new Project On June 16, 2022,…

Olinda: 110 Years St. Gertrud’s Academ

      Sr. Irani Bernardo Evangelista, OSB, director of Academia Santa Gertrudes, together with Professor Ivis and students from Elementary School 1,  on the 110th anniversary of ASG.   On June 3, the Santa Gertrudes Academy in Olinda / Brazil completed 110 years. Through all these years our sisters together with lay mission partners…