
Mutter Ferdinanda Hoelzer OSB war die Leiterin der fünfköpfigen Gruppe, die Mitte August 1906 von Europa aus lossegelte und am 14. September, dem Fest der Kreuzerhöhung, in Manila eintraf.



Im Jahr 1925 kamen die Schwestern in Wonsan, dem heutigen Nordkorea, an. Nach viel Leid und Gefangenschaft während des Koreakrieges wurde ein neues Priorat in Daegu in Südkorea gegründet. Das Priorat wuchs schnell, bis 1987 ein zweites Priorat in Seoul gegründet wurde.



Als das Priorat Daegu in Südkorea rasch wuchs, wurde 1987 ein zweites Priorat in Seoul gegründet. Die beiden Priorate unterhalten viele kleine und größere Gemeinschaften, die in der Seelsorge, im medizinischen Bereich und im Bildungswesen tätig sind.



Im Jahr 1996 gründeten fünf Schwestern die Gemeinschaft in Punalur, Kerala, im Süden Indiens. Heute betreiben die Schwestern ein Zentrum für Nachhilfeunterricht und unterhalten eine kleine Kautschukplantage.


Übergabe des St. Peter Colleges an die Erzdiözese Palo

Am 16. Juni übergab das Priorat Manila in der Person von Sr. Mary Thomas, Priorin, das St. Peter College in Ormoc an die Erzdiözese Palo in der Person von Erzbischof John Du. 94 Jahre hatten sich die Schwestern hier für eine gute katholische Erziehung auf der Grundlage benediktinischer Werte eingesetzt. Sr. Mary Thomas dankte dem Erzbischof,…

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Visitation in Manila

Am 12. Februar wurde die Visitation durch M. Maoro Sye, unterstützt von Sr. Lumen Gloria Dungca, offiziell eröffnet. Doch schon zuvor hatte Sr. Lumen Gloria, die früher auf den Philippinen ankam, Gemeinschaften besucht und persönliche Gespräche geführt.  Besuch in Pambujan Besuch der Holy Family Academy, Angeles Gemeinschaft in Angeles Besuch in Bacolod Besuch in Mati Erstes…

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Gebet für die Erste und Ewige Profess in Daegu

Christus sollen sie überhaupt nichts vorziehen! RB 72, 11 In Dankbarkeit zu Gott und mit großer Freudekündigen die Missions-Benediktinerinnen von Tutzing, Priorat Daegu,die Ewige und Erste Profess an. Die Ewige Profess von Die Ewige Profess von Sr. Ruah Kim OSB wird in der Messe am Montag, dem 5. Februar 2024 um 11 Uhrin der Kapelle…

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Visitation in Seoul

 Am 29. Dezember wurde die kanonische Visitation im Priorat Seoul offiziell mit der Eröffnungsansprache von M. Maoro Sye eröffnet.  Sr. Regina Tesch wird ihr in dieser Visitation assistieren. M. Maoro war schon zwei Wochen zuvor für einen Besuch in Daegu in Korea eingetroffen.  Sr. Regina kam am 27. Dezember an  Nachdem beide Schwestern eingetroffen waren, hieß…

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Sr. Inviolata (Ok Ran) Kim, OSB

 “Do not be afraid,  for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Our dear Sr. Inviolata (Ok Ran) Kim, OSB  was called home to God on  November 27, 2023 in Daegu, Korea. She was born on November 7, 1939 in Daegu, Archdiocese of Daegu in Korea.  …

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Sr. Veronica (Nuttalia Lopez) Origines, OSB

 “Do not be afraid,  for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Our dear Sr. Veronica (Nuttalia Lopez) Origines,  OSB   was called home to God on May 209, 2023 in Marikina. She was born on August 22, 1927 in  Dagupan, Archdiocese of  Lingayen-Dagupan. She offered herself to God through…

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Gebet für die Zeitliche Profess in Manila

Ich mache dich zum Licht für die Völker; damit mein Heil reiche bis an die Enden der Erde reicht. Jes 49,6 In tiefer Dankbarkeit lädtM. Mary Thomas Prado OSB Priorin und dieMissions-Benediktinerinnen von TutzingPriorat Manila  herzlich ein zur  Eucharistiefeiermit demRitus der Zeitlichen Profess vonNovizin Anna Margaretha M. FondevillaundNovizin Kathleen Mac L. de Guzman Samstag, 24. Juni 2023Hochfest der Geburt Johannes…

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Sr. Winfrieda (Milagros) Bugayong, OSB

  “Do not be afraid,  for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Our dear Sr. Winfrieda (Milagros) Bugayong,  OSB   was called home to God on April 8, 2023 in Marikina. She was born on April 11, 1920 in  Manila,   Archdiocese of  Manila. She offered herself to God through Temporary Profession…

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Congratulations for First and Final Profession in Daegu

 Congratulations to Sr. Marie Angelo Park, Sr. Cordia Choi, and Sr. Mary Grace Kim, who made their final profession in Daegu on February 10, 2023. from left to right: Sr. Mary Grace Kim, Sr. Cordia Choi, Sr. Marie Angelo Park Congratulations also to Sr. Ottilia Kim, who made her first profession on February 9 in Daegu. May God continue…

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Sr. Celestine (Francisca) Marino, OSB

“Do not be afraid,  for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Our dear Sr. Celestine  (Francisca) Marino, OSB   was called home to God on December 30, 2022 in Tutzing. She was born on May 24, 1937 in  Bato,  Diocese of  Nueva Caceres, Philippines. She offered herself to God through…

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Pray for First and Final Profession in Daegu

Sr. Cordia, Sr. Marie Angelo, Sr. Mary Grace The Rite of final profession of Sr.Marie Angelo Park, OSB Sr. Cordia Choi, OSBSr. Mary Grace Kim, OSBWill be celebrated during MassOn Friday February 10, 2023 at 11:00 AM At Daegu Priory Chapel Novice Christina The Rite of first profession of Nov. Christina Kim Will be celebrated…

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Seoul Aewha School – God has a Plan for Everybody

Seoul Aewha School is a school for students with hearing impairment and mental challenges offering them education from nursery to High School. After graduation in High school, students can still enroll in  vocational education. Their educational programs are enjoyable and profitable for their future. Their education is not purely academic, but involves as well social…

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Online Glass Painting Workshop

November 26 at 2: 00 – 5: 00 PM,  Our instructor, Ms. Liesl Chua showed us first some video clips about how to paint on glass. She also presented to us the different types of brushes as well as the paints such as acrylic and enamel which are used for glass.  Our instructor is a…

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Farmers’ Tiangge Launch – Manila, Philippines

October is Peasant and Indigenous Peoples’ Month in the country. Our local farmers, many of whom are indigenous peoples, form the backbone of our agricultural economy and society. They are the ones providing food on our table, but they are also the most impoverished sector in our country due to contnuing threats of land conversion,…

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Community Day – October 10 in Daegu

Our community, which had not been able to gather for a while due to COVID-19, gathered on Community Day for the first time in three years and held the ‘Proclamation Ceremony the 100th Anniversary of our Congregation in Korea’. The Preparation Committee set the theme of the 100th anniversary as ‘Invitation to This Land, with…

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The Season of Creation

Offering of the resolution cards at the beginning of the Season of Creation  On 04 September, the day of Creation, we offered cards with our resolutions at the altar, as we entered the chapel in procession for the night prayer. The altar was decorated with the image of the burning bush, logo of this year’s…

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Climate Action of Seoul Priory

Climate Action for The Neighboring Local Community On 23 September, the 1st campaign for the Climate Action was launched under the initiation of the sisters of St. Benedict Group. They staged a picket, holding their picket signs which were made during their recreation time, at Donam crossroads for an hour after lunch. On 21 October…

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Socio-Pastoral Apostolate in Manila Priory

 The Socio-Pastoral Apostolate, or SPA, is one of the implementing arms of the missionary endeavors of the Manila Priory. The sisters are assigned to the social apostolate in the outreach centers of our schools and hospitals. Those sisters took to heart the fiat they prayed in response to the exhortation from Micah 6:8: „And what does…

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On-Going Formation News

 The On-going Formation Team of the Manila Priory organized an online Basic Flower Arrangement Workshop last August 19-20, 2022 from 2:30 – 5:30 in the afternoon. because of COVID infection, this time among men, women employees and three Sisters in the Priory House, but fortunately it pushed through on the scheduled dates. The facilitator, Ms…

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First Profession in Daegu

On August 15, two novices made their first profession in Daegu Priory House.  We congratulate Sr. Bertha Oh and Sr. Chanmi Kim  Sr. Bertha Oh, OSB and Sr. Chanmi Kim, OSB On August 14, Nov. Lilian Park (Sun Young) started her noviciate. Nov. Lilian Park (Su Young)

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First and Final Profession in Manila

On June 19, Manila Priory celebrated the First Profession of Sr. Maria Caritas Flor, OSB and the Final Profession of Sr. Stella Maria Martinez.       Sr. Stella Maria signing the profession card as a pledge of fidelity     Novice Jennifer R. Flor signing the profession card. From now on she will be…

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Sr. Marie Via (Myong Ja) Sye, OSB

“Do not be afraid,  for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Our dear Sr. Marie Via (Myong Ja) Sye, OSB  was called home to God on June 7, 2022 in Seoul. She was born on February 4, 1941  in  Ansung,  Diocese of Suwon, Korea. She offered herself to God…

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Laudato Si’ Week (22-29 May) in Seoul Priory

Laudato Si’ Week, which takes place from the 22-29 May, celebrates this year the seventh anniversary of Pope Francis‘ encyclical on Care for our Common Home. At a home for the senior sisters in Pocheon   At the prioryhouse garden, in Seoul     There are 7 cottonwood trees in the convent garden. The 4th cottonwood tree…

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Sr. Caecilia (Ok Joo) KANG, OSB

“Do not be afraid, for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Our dear Sr. Caecilia (Ok Joo) KANG, OSB was called home to God on April 24, 2022 in Daegu. She was born on October 19, 1941  in  Wonsan,  Diocese of  Hamheung. She offered herself to God through Temporary…

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Sr. Simeon (Hwa Ja) Hong, OSB

“Do not be afraid, for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1   Our dear Sr. Simeon (Hwa Ja) Hong, OSB was called home to God on April 24, 2022 in Daegu. She was born on May 19, 1944  in  Daegu, Archdiocese of  Daegu. She offered…

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“Hope Sharing Campaign for Tanzania”

521 boxes of goods collected through donations and sponsorships to help Tanzania from all over the country, including the employees of Daegu Fatima Hospital, were moved to a shipping container on March 28. The shipping container departed from Busan Port on March 30 expecting to arrive at Dar es Salaam Port in Tanzania around the…

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Sr. Alicia (Leonila) SOBREVIÑAS, OSB

“Do not be afraid,  for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Our dear Sr. Alicia (Leonila) SOBREVIÑAS, OSB  was called home to God on April 17, 2022 in Marikina She was born on January 17, 1938  in  Pakil,  Laguna Diocese of  San Pablo. She offered herself…

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Liturgy, Prayer and Action plans by group Fostering Eco-Spirituality Education Making compost using food waste Ecological Education to Kindergarten children  JPIC committee meeting Especially, beans Korean traditional fermentation food ‘Doenjang(soybean paste)’ is made by beans from our farm. PARTICIPATORY ACTION  solidarity with the activities for the reinstatement of unfairly laid off workers solidarity with Myanmar’s…

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Sr. Jin-I (Su Jin) Kim, OSB

“Do not be afraid,  for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Our dear Sr. Jin-I (Su Jin) Kim, OSB  was called home to God on December 18, 2021 in Seoul. She was born on November 30, 1971 in Busan, Korea, Diocese of Busan. She offered herself…

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Concert for Graduation in Organ: Sr. Rosaria Yoon

Graduation Concert: Sr. Rosaria Yoon On December 10, 2021 Sr. Rosaria Yoon brought her six years of intensive studies at the Pontifical Institute for Sacred Music to a successful conclusion. Most of the sisters of the Casa community could be present to support her witnessing her artistic expertise. Immersed in the music to which Sr. Rosaria…

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Sr. Marie Vita (Mi Young) Kim, OSB

“Do not be afraid,  for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Our dear Sr. Marie Vita (Mi Young) Kim, OSB  was called home to God on December 04,  2021 in Seoul She was born on 01 September, 1945 in Seoul, Diocese of Seoul in Korea.  She…

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Sr. Esperanza(Ceferina) Alcazar , OSB

Sr. Esperanza(Ceferina) Alcazar , OSB   “Do not be afraid,  for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Our dear Sr. Esperanza(Ceferina) Alcazar , OSB  was called home to God on September 26,  2021 in Marikina.   She was born on  August 26, 1942  in Buli, Taal,  Archdiocese…

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CONGRATULATIONS TO THE FINAL PROFESSION IN Manila Despite the continuing pandemic and the political turmoil in the country, God still intervenes. On the 4th of September 2021, Saturday, a day dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Sr. Matthea A. Husmillo, OSB of the Diocese of Legazpi, committed her whole self to God in perpetuity at…

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25 Years Presence in India

Jubilee 25 Years Missionary Benedictine Presence in Punalur / India On August 22, 2021 the Punalur community in India opened the two month celebration of 25 years Missionary Benedictine Presence in India. Bishop Selvister Ponnumuthan presided over the Holy Mass to mark the begin of the jubilee celebration. We join our community of Punalur in…

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Daegu Fatima Hospital’s Zero Waste Shop, ‘Ayang-ro 99’

Daegu Fatima Hospital’s Zero Waste Shop, ‘Ayang-ro 99’ As ecological environmental problems become more serious, the Zero Waste Shop „Ayang-ro 99“ was opened at Daegu Fatima Hospital to spread eco-friendly daily culture through the introduction and sale of Zero West goods that can be used in daily life. Currently, the Zero Waste Shop is temporarily…

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Soup Kitchen episode in time of pandemic

Soup Kitchen episode in time of pandemic by Sr. Nicolao Park OSB At present our soup kitchen delivers packed lunches to 50 persons with the help of 15-20 volunteers every day and packed appetizers (side dishes) for 17 persons twice a week. And more than 70 number of the elder come to the soup kitchen.…

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Video meeting during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Video meeting during the Covid-19 Pandemic On-line community assembly The whole community had an Untact Video Conference Monday evening of May 3rd in order to discuss the reconstruction plan of Sangji Retreat House.  After the report of Sr. Illumina, all community members shared their opinions. Cenacle, LAN cable vocation meeting At 10:00 a.m. every Sunday…

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Tree-Planting Activity

Dr. Giorgio Bordin and family help the poor The 22nd Manila Priory Chapter held in April 2019 has endorsed to all the communities: “that each community shall plant and nurture at least 100 trees within 2 years as a manifestation of our Benedictine stewardship.” Likewise, this is an affirmative action to the recommendation of the 13th…

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Sister Mary Daniel Park , OSB

Sister Mary Daniel Park , OSB   “Do not be afraid,  for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Our dear Sister Mary Daniel (Jae Yoon) Park, OSB  was called home to God on May 23, 2021 in Daegu . She was born on April 13, 1938 in…

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Community Pantries Sprouting All-around

Prioress of the Seoul Priory’s Visit to the Daegu Priory House In mid-April 2021, numerous community pantries have sprouted across the country to help others in need of food and other basic necessities through donated goods or cash by people of goodwill.  This concept of Filipino ‘bayanihan’ or solidarity with those in dire need amid…

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Sr. Sebastiana (Mi Ja) Im

“Do not be afraid, for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Sister Sebastiana (Mi Ja) Im, OSB  was called home to God on April 9, 2021 in Deagu.  She offered herself to God through Temporary Profession on September 17, 1969 in Daegu / Korea and Perpetual…

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Easter Candles Display

Easter Candles Display The Easter candles express God’s love and mercy, falling upon the world through Jesus Christ who is the Beginning and the End. The Cross carved on the Easter candle conveys the Paschal Journey of suffering, death and resurrection of Christ.   The priory house Easter Candles were displayed, decorated by Sr. Liberata…

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The Community in Baguio / Philippines Shelters Children with Special Needs from Ash fall of Taal Volcano Eruption

The Community in Baguio / Philippines Shelters Children with Special Needs from Ash fall of Taal Volcano Eruption   Taal Volcano Eruption January 2020 Missionary Benedictine Sisters St. Scholastica’s Convent & Retreat House Baguio City The Community Missionary Benedictine Sisters, Baguio City Shelters Children with Special Needs from Ash Fall of Taal Volcano Eruption by…

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