Dez262022 Sr. Cordia, Sr. Marie Angelo, Sr. Mary Grace The Rite of final profession ofSr.Marie Angelo Park, OSB Sr. Cordia Choi, OSBSr. Mary Grace Kim, OSBWill be celebrated during MassOn Friday February 10, 2023 at 11:00 AM At Daegu Priory Chapel Novice Christina The Rite of first profession ofNov. Christina KimWill be celebrated during MassOn Thursday February 09,2023at7:00AM At The Priory Chapel KommentarnavigationZurückVorheriger Beitrag:Visit of General Councilor Sr. Katharina Mtitu to SeoulNächstesNächster Beitrag:Sr. Gliceria (Maria de Lourdes) Florentino Diniz, OSBRelated PostsPrayer for First Profession in Olinda30/08/2024Gebet für Erste Profess und Silbernes Professjubiläum in Ndanda30/08/2024