Feb.132023 Congratulations to Sr. Marie Angelo Park, Sr. Cordia Choi, and Sr. Mary Grace Kim, who made their final profession in Daegu on February 10, 2023. from left to right: Sr. Mary Grace Kim, Sr. Cordia Choi, Sr. Marie Angelo Park Congratulations also to Sr. Ottilia Kim, who made her first profession on February 9 in Daegu. May God continue to accompany and guide them in their vocation! KommentarnavigationZurückVorheriger Beitrag:Recife feiert 80-jähriges JubiläumNächstesNächster Beitrag:Congratulations for First Profession in Windhoek / NamibiaRelated PostsThe Final Profession of Sr. Johanna Lee in Daegu Priory04/02/2025Neu gewählte Generalpriorin kommt in Rom an12/01/2025