
Já em 1887, as primeiras irmãs missionárias foram enviadas à prefeitura apostólica de Zanzibar Sul / África Oriental. Com grande sacrifício, privação e sofrimento, as irmãs se estabeleceriam na África Oriental.



Já em 1887 as primeiras irmãs missionárias são enviadas à prefeitura apostólica da África Oriental de Zanzibar do Sul.  Hoje, os Priores de Ndanda e Peramiho, ao lado das duas Abadias, florescem nas regiões do sul da Tanzânia. Seus extensos ministérios incluem hospitais e clínicas de saúde de qualidade, escolas primárias, secundárias e vocacionais, serviços pastorais e muito mais.



Em 1920, a expulsão das Irmãs alemãs da África Oriental permitiu à Congregação iniciar uma nova missão na África do Sul e Sudoeste da África, agora Namíbia. Hoje, o Priorado de Windhoek, situado em Nubuamis, serve em atividades sócio-pastorais …



Em 1973, irmãs do Priorado de Peramiho, na Tanzânia, iniciaram o trabalho missionário no Vale de Kerio, no Quênia. Em 1981, foi aberto o primeiro noviciado africano em Nairóbi. Em 1987, foi erigido o Sacred Heart Priory em Karen-Nairobi.



Em 1961, foi fundada uma comunidade em Portugal. Hoje, a casa do Priorado está localizada em Torres Novas. As comunidades de Angola e a casa em Madri / Espanha fazem parte do Priorado de Torres Novas.



Em 1993, uma nova fundação foi feita em Jinja, Uganda. As Irmãs administram uma grande escola primária, um amplo centro de saúde e mantêm uma fazenda com vista para o Lago Vitória…



Ir. Terese Zemale Superiora em Jinja / Uganda

 Em 8 de setembro, a Irmã Terese Zemale tornou-se a nova e oitava superiora do Mosteiro de São Bento em Jinja / Uganda. Ela sucede a Ir. Benedicta Yeo como superiora, que foi delegada por M. Maoro Sye, Priora Geral, para instalar a Ir. Terese como superiora. Parabenizamos a Ir. Terese e lhe agradecemos por seu…

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Orientação para as Prioresas pelo Generalato

Nos dias 18 a 20 de setembro, o Generalato dedicou-se em dar a Orientação para as novas Prioresas:  Ir. Bethania Lee, Prioresa de Daegu e Ir. Bernarda Hyera, Prioresa de Peramiho.Depois da oração de abertura e das Boas Vindas dadas pela M. Maoro, o Generalato escutou atentamente cada uma das Prioresas. Em seguida, membros do Generlato…

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Profissão Perpétua e Jubileu de Prata em Ndanda

 No dia 14 de setembro as Irmãs do Priorado de Ndanda se alegraram com a Profissão Perpétua de  Ir. Neema Adyuti Mkolokoti OSB Ir. Hildegard John Shayo OSB Ir. Victoria Mathias Danga OSB Ir. Faustina Paulo Kadinde OSB da direita para a esquerda: Ir. Neema, Ir. Hildegard, Ir. Victoria, Ir. Faustina e o Jubileu de Prata de Ir. Tumaini Ajali OSB.Ir.…

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Pedido de oração pela Profissão Perpétua e Jubileu de Prata em Ndanda

Nada absolutamente anteponham a Cristo!  RB 72,11Madre Prioresa e as Irmãs Beneditinas Missionárias de Tutzing em Ndanda contam com suas orações por Ir. Neema Adyuti Mkolokoti OSBIr. Hildegard John Shayo OSBIr. Victoria Mathias Danga OSBIr. Faustina Paulo Kadinde OSBque farão sua Profissão Perpétua  e porIr. Tumaini Ajali OSB.Ir. Fides Msanga OSBque celebram o jubileu de prata de…

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Primeira Profissão em Peramiho

No dia 6 de agosto as Noviças Lucia Mpejiwa e Lamberta Nakamba fizeram sua Primeira Profissão em Peramiho. O Rito da Profissão, inserido na Celebração Eucarística teve lugar na Capela da Casa do Priorado.  Elas leram a carta de Profissão e expressaram seu compromisso de seguir Cristo na vida religiosa, perseverar na Congregação das Irmãs Beneditinas Missionárias de…

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Prayer for First Profession in Peramiho

“I am the Lord’s servant. May it be done unto me according to your word.” Luke 1:38 We are invited to pray for  Novice Lucia Mpejiwa and Novice Lamberta Nakamba, who will celebrate their first profession on August 6, 2024 at 10 am in the Priory House Chapel of the St. Scholastica Priory in Peramiho. Novice Lucia Mpejiwa Novice…

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Remédios para os pobres na Tanzânia

O Centro de Saúde St. Anna em Uwemba, fundado e gerido pelas Irmãs Beneditinas Missionárias, é um exemplo de cuidados de saúde na zona rural, na região de Njombe, sudoeste da Tanzânia. O hospital atualmente tem capacidade para 87 leitos e serve através dos seguintes departamentos: Medicina Geral, Cirurgia, Medicina Interna, Ginecologia e Obstetrícia, Odontologia,…

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Distribuição de alimentos

Devido à guerra na Ucrânia, os preços dos cereais estão a subir consideravelmente, estes efeitos são bem sentidos em Quénia e Tanzânia. Além disso, as calamidades naturais, chuvas intensas nos últimos meses e inundações devastadoras, tem causado muita destruição nas terras aráveis.  As nossas irmãs na Tanzânia, especialmente Ir. Consolata Mey OSB, visitam os pobres…

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Programa de Renovação Missionária na Tanzania

No dia 30 de junho, o Programa de Renovação Missionária na Tanzania, teve inicio com 23 participantes provenientes dos 12 Priorados.O tema do programa é:Caminhar nas pegadas das nossas Pioneiras;Renovando o nosso Zelo Missionário O encontro começou no Centro da Conferencia Episcopal da Tanzania em Dar es Salaam,onde puderam assistir, via online, a conferencia de…

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No dia 7 de junho, Solenidade do Sagrado Coração de Jesus,  foi abençoado e inaugurado um novo convento – Comunidade do Sagrado Coração em Majengo / Runzewe.  Nossa Comunidade, que faz parte do Priorado de Ndanda, está em Kabuhima / Runzewe  desde 2009 vivendo na casa paroquial. À medida em que o espaço se tornou pequeno e muito movimentado,   com a…

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Primeira Profissão e Jubileu em Nairobi

No dia 31 de maio, quatro Noviças fizeram a Primeira Profissão no Priorado de Nairobi  e a Ir. Maria Goretti Achieng, celebrou seu jubileu de Rubi. As novas Irmãs que professaram são Ir. Jean Florence, Ir. Mary Grace Aime,  Ir. Immaculate e Ir. Mary Christiane.  A Celebração Eucaristica foi presidida por Dom Abade John Baptist Oese da Abadia de Tigoni. da esquerda…

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Prayer for First Profession in Nairobi

The Prioress and Community of the Missionary Benedictine Sisters of Tutzing, Sacred Heart Priory Nairobi cordially invites to the Eucharistic Celebration with Rite of First Monastic Profession of: Novice Florence Ketchup Nov. Aimerance K. Matata Nov. Veronica M. Musumbi Nov. Christine W. Njoroge And Ruby Jubilee of: Sr. Maria Goretti Achieng OSB. At Sacred Heart…

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Profissão Perpétua em Windhoek

No dia 18 de maio, na véspera de Pentecostes, Ir. Mary Celestine Ngesheya fez os Votos Perpétuos na Capela da da Casa do Priorado de Windhoek. A Santa Missa foi presidida pelo Pe. Werner Simanekeni Afunde, Vigário Geral da Arquidiocese de Windhoek. Ir. Mary Celestine assinando a Carta da Profissão e M. Simon Lee, Prioresa da esquerda para a direita:  Ir. Bonifacis Titus, Subprioresa, Pe. Werner Afunde, Vigário Geral, Ir. Mary Celestine, M. Simon…

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Profissão Perpétua em Peramiho

No dia 3 de maio, o Priorado de Peramiho celebrou a Profissão Perpétua de Ir. Mary Paul Chintala, Ir. Regina Neema Mlelwa, Ir. Maria Elizabeth Kibonge, Ir. Maria Ester Tarimo, e Ir. Mary Faith Kimario. A Santa Missa, na Igreja Abacial de Peramiho, com o Rito da Profissão, foi presidida pelo Abade da Abadia de Hanga Dom Abade Oktavian Masingo OSB. da…

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Sr. Francisca Kaesa, OSB

  “Do not be afraid,  for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Our dear Sr. Francisca (Francisca) Kaesa, OSB  was called home to God on  April 29, 2024 in Nairobi, Kenya. She was born on May 25, 1964 in Masinga, Diocese of Machakos, Kenya. She offered herself…

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Oração pela Profissão Perpétua em Peramiho

Pero llevamos este tesoro en recipientes de barro para que aparezca que una fuerza tan extraordinaria es de Dios y no de nosotros.  A PRIORESA E A COMUNIDADE  das  Irmãs Beneditinas Missionárias de Tutzing    Priorado de Peramiho  convidam-no cordialmente para a Celebração Eucarística Rito da Profissão Perpétua de  Ir. Mary Paul Chintala OSB    Ir.…

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Profissão Perpétua em Nairobi

No dia 6 de abril, o Priorado de Nairobi celebrou a Profissão Perpétua de Ir. Gertrude Wanza David, Ir. Anuarite Akumu Okello,  Ir. Jackline Chemutai Tonui e Ir. Hilda Nekesa Wanyonyi.  da esquerda para a direita: Ir. Rosa Pascal, Prioresa, Ir. Lusina Ng’eny, Mestra de Juniorato,  com as novas Irmãs de Profissão Perpétua Ir. Gertrude Wanza David, Ir. Anuarite Akumu Okello,   Ir.…

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WelcBoas vindas às Junioristas do IJP de 2024

No dia 2 de abril, duas junioristas do Programa Internacional de Juniorato de 2024 foram oficialmente acolhidas através de um breve ritual durante a Hora Meridiana. São elas Ir. Michael Marie Kudumu do Priorado de Windhoek e  Ir. Maria Auderlane dos Santos Belarmino do Priorado de Olinda. Depois da oraçáo rezada por M. Maoro, todas as Irmãs abençoaram as Junioristas com…

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O que é a argila em suas mãos,  assim sois vós nas minhas, (Jer 18,6)  As Irmãs Beneditinas Missionárias de Tutzing, Priorado de Torres Novas – Angola,convidam-no cordialmente para a celebração eucarística com o rito da  Primeira Profissão da Noviça Teresa C. P. Severino e Profissão Perpétua da Ir.  Alda Valentina Menezes, OSBIr.  Maria Benedicta Paulo Panzo, OSBIr.  Maria…

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Sr. Augusta (Annemarie) Kunz, OSB

“Do not be afraid,  for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Our dear Sr. Augusta (Annemarie) Kunz, OSB  was called home to God on  November 20, 2023 in Windhoek. She was born on June 19, 1936 in Waldsee, Germany of the Diocese of  Rottenburg. She offered herself to…

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Acolhendo novo membro na Comunidade da Casa

No dia 6 de outubro, na Hora Média, através de um rito simples, Ir. Bonifasia Ngonyani foi oficialmente acolhida como  novo membro da Comunidade da Casa.  Ela recebeu uma vela, enquanto M. Maoro Sye rezou por ela, entregou o livrinho do regulamento da Comunidade e a abençoou. Em seguida, todas as Irmãs entoaram uma canção de…

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Renovação dos votos de Ir. Mary Thomas Mbate

No dia 26 de setembro, Ir. Mary Thomas Mbate renovou seus votos por mais três anosna presença de M. Maoro Sye, da Comunidade da Casa e  e das participantes do Encontro Internacional de Tesoureiras.Ir. Mary Thomas pertence ao Priorado de Peramiho está participando do Programa Internacional do Juniorado (IJP). Depois de ler sua carta de profissão,……

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Renovação dos Votos de Ir. Michaela-Sifa

Durante a hora meridiana, do dia 15 de Agosto, Solenidade da Assunção de Maria, Ir. Michaela-Sifa Sivilondire renovou os votos. Ela pertence ao Priorado de Nairóbi está participando do Programa Internacional do Juniorado (IJP). Diante do altar, e na presença da Vigária Geral Ir. Lumen Gloria Dungca e da comunidade reunida Ir. Michaela-Sifa leu sua carta de profissão.…

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Rezamos pela Profissão Perpétua em Peramiho

Com alegria e gratidão a Deus Madre Ruth Bartonico OSB, Prioresa e a Comunidade das Irmãs Beneditinas  Missionárias de Tutzing, Priorado de Peramiho Convidam, cordialmente para a CELEBRAÇÃO EUCARÍSTICA com o  RITO DA PROFISSÃO PERPÉTUA De Irmã Maria Suzana Nyiriri OSB Irmã Maria Epiphania Luambano OSB Irmã Claudia Maria Kitutu OSB Irmã Maria Illuminata Tarimo…

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Renovação do Votos de Ir. Neema

Na sexta-feira, 12 de maio, na oração do meio dia,  Ir. Neema Adyuti Mkolokoti do Priorado de Ndanda  renovou seus votos por dois anos. Ela se compromete com o seguimento de Cristo na comunidade religiosa, pela obediência conforme a Regra de S. Bento e nossas Constituições, e pela estabilidade em nossa Congregação. A carta de…

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Rezamos pela Profissão Perpétua em Windhoek

com alegria Simon Lee OSB Prioresa  e a  Communidade das Irmãs  Beneditinas Missionárias de Tutzing  convida para a  CELEBRAÇÃO EUCARISTICA com o  RITO DA PROFISSÃO PERPÉTUA  de  Ir. Maria Stephania Nzaro OSB  Ir. Maria Clementine Ndara OSB  e  Ir. Maria Rita Musungu OSB Sabado, 10 de junho de 2023 9h 30 min Capela S. Bento da…

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Despedida de Ir. Theophilia

No dia 16 de abril as Irmãs da Comunidade da Casa se despediram de Ir. Theophilia Iipumbu. Ir. Theophilia passou 10 anos em Roma  servindo fielmente na cozinha e no refeitório da comunidade, incluindo um ano de renovação com aulas de música. Durante o recreio da noite, na sext-feira 14 de abril, as Irmãs expressaram…

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Oração pela Profissão Perpétua em Ndanda

No dia 6 de maio, Ir. Mary Agnes Mkinda OSB fará a sua Profissão Perpétua juntamente com as Irmãs do Togo: Ir. Elisabeth Hodalo Same Kondokissem OSB, Ir. Françoise Tohouleba OSB e Ir. Marie Louise Tawalessi de Togo, que, depois de 3 anos de provação farão Profissão Perpétua em nossa Congregação. Ir. Mary Agnes Minda,…

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Ir. Bernarda Hyera foi eleita Prioresa de Peramiho

 No dia 26 de março, Ir. Bernarda Hyera foi eleita, como a nova Prioresa de Peramiho.  O Capítulo de eleição foi presidido por M. Maoro Sye acompanhada por Ir. Katharina Mtitu.  da esquerda para a direita: Ir. Ruth Bartonico, Ir. Bernarda Hyera, M. Maoro Sye, Ir. Katharina Mtitu Ir. Ruth Bartonico termina seu segundo termo em…

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Ir. Marie Stella Simkoko recebeu a Cruz Missionária

No dia 13 de fevereiro, Ir. Marie Stella Simkoko, juniorista do Priorado de Peramiho, Recebeu a Cruz Missionária para ser enviada por dois anos para o Priorado de Norfolk. Ir. Ruth Bartonico, Prioresa, entregando a Curz Missionária a Ir. Marie Stella. Ir. Marie Stella com a Cruz Missionária, pronta para ser enviada Querida Ir. Marie…

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Visitação Canonica no Priorado de Ndanda

A Visitação Canonica no Priorado de Ndanda teve seu inicio no dia 24 de fevereiro. Está sendo conduzida por M. Maoro Sye com a assistência de Ir. Katharina Mtitu. Na Capela da Casa do Priorado 1º Seminário em Ndanda 2º Seminário com as junioristas com as Junioristas no estudo intensivo e as três prioresas para…

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Congratulations for First Profession in Peramiho

 Congratualtions to Sr. Mary Francis Simwanza, Sr. Maria Saraphina Sanga, Sr. Maria Noela Kokushabira and Sr. Maria Beatrix Mjila, who celebrated their first profession in Peramiho on February 10. from left to right: Sr. Mary Beatrix, Sr. Maria Noela, Sr. Maria Saraphina, Sr. Mary Francis Sr. Maria Saraphina signs her profession card They sing together “Suscipe” –…

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Congratulations for First Profession in Windhoek / Namibia

Congratulations to Sr. Christiana Mungeli, Sr. Mirjam Johannes and Sr. Mary Joachim Iiyambo, who celebrated their first profession on February 11 in Nubuamis Priory House, Windhoek. The rite of first profession started already on the evening before with the washing of the feet of the three novices Christina, Mirjam and Tuuliki. In community life, we need to…

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Pray for First Profession in Peramiho

THE PRIORESS and THE COMMUNITYof theMissionary Benedictine Sisters of TutzingPeramiho Priorycordoally invite you to the Eucharistic CelebrationWith the Rite of Temporary Profession of Monastic vows of   Rev. Fr. Prior Melchior Kayombo, OSB(Main Celebrant) Friday, 10 Febrary 2023, 9:30 a.m. @St.Scholastica Chapel, Peramiho Followed by a short program and refreshment

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Sr. Elisabeth (Elisabeth) Kerp, OSB

 “Do not be afraid,  for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Our dear Sr. Elisabeth  (Elisabeth) Kerp, OSB   was called home to God on December 31, 2022 in Peramiho. She was born on September 24, 1941 in  Gymnich,   Diocese of  Köln, Germany. She offered herself to God through Temporary…

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Pray for First Profession in Windhoek

The Missionary Benedictine Sisters of Tutzing,  Windheok Priory  cordially invite you  to the Eucharistic Celebration with the Rite of First Profession  of  Novice Christina Mungeli Novice Mirjam Johannes Novice Tuuliki Iiyambo Main Celebrant:  Right Reverend  Fr. Abbot Godfrey Sieber, OSB   Date: Saturday, 11 February 2022 Time: 9: 30 A.M.   Venue: St. Benedict Priory House,      Nubuamis, Windhoek, Namibia

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At our Sisters’ Assembly it was suggested that our two schools make an effort to make Benedictine Spirituality more present among students and families, teachers and collaborators. A meeting was held with Mother Elenice,  Sr. Rosa Jamba, Directress of the Ninho da Paz School in Menongue, and Sr. Doroteia Sillili, Directress of the Benedictine St.…

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“Come and See” Vocation Workshop in Windhoek / Namibia

This year, 22 Observers from Owamboland, Kavango, Tsumeb,Omaruru and Osile joined the “Come and See “workshop from 02December to 09 December. Sr. John Paul Hosea, Vocation and Aspirant Directress and the Formation Team scheduled an orientation, house tour, classes, video, work, meditation and bible sharing, recreation and joining the daily Community prayer and activities. We…

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Training for Social Ministry – Nairobi Priory

 SISTERS BLENDED VALUE PROJECT:  MBS SOCIAL ENTERPRISE WITH A  DIFFERENCE!    This is a programme initiated by ACWECA (Association of Consecrated Women of East and Central Africa) in the year 2017 for all the congregations of religious women in the region. The main goal is to transform our social ministries into social enterprises for sustainability.…

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Ongwediva Community     Jesus, our Saviour Kindergarten and Pre-School, Sr. Agatha Iipinge, OSB shared that the first Pre-School graduation in Ongwediva took place on 26 November 2022. Many people came. The parents of the 20 graduating learners were happy to witness the wellprepared graduation exercises. They want their children to remain if only there is…

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SCOUTS TRIP – Nairobi Priory

Scouting is a voluntary educational movement targeting young pupils in schools. It is a potent foundational base world over as it aims at nurturing boys and girls into dependable citizens. It helps inculcate values of responsibility, respect and commitment at a very young age. Our school has invested massively in this movement thus allowing many…

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OBLATES’ NEWS – Windhoek, Namibia

Annual Oblates’ Recollection and Renewal of Oblation     The Annual Recollection Day of the Oblates and Oblate Candidates of St. Benedict was held at St. Mary’s Hall of the Priory House on 12 November 2022. The Facilitators, Sr. Augusta and Sr. Oranna, spoke about the qualities of a Benedictine Oblate and the 12 Steps of…

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Annual Camp 2022 – Okongo, Namibia

Our Sunday School in All Saints Parish of Okongo started in February 2020, but we were disrupted by the Covid-19 outbreak in April 2020. Until then, we were able to resume only in March 2022 with 8 children. The kids were inspired when I informed them that they will be going to the Camp. They…

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. This celebration marks the beginning of many celebrations yet to come. We thank God for his protection and guidance to Sr. Julia Haule, OSB and Sr. Emmanuela Mponda, OSB who supervised the humble beginning of the school in…

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First Profession in Ndanda

On the Congregation’s Foundation Day, September 24, five novices made their first profession in Ndanda Priory. They are Juliana Nyamu, now Sr. Maria Juliana, OSB, Pieta Nyami, now Sr. Scholastica, OSB, Christina Chagike, now Sr. Mary Martine, OSB, Happyness Nyanjiga Selekwa, now Sr. Maria Makrina, OSB, and Fortunata Solo, now Sr. Maria Antonia, OSB. Congratulations…

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Final Profession Windhoek

 On October 8, Windhoek Priory celebrated the final profession of Sr. Mary Placid Joseph, OSB and Sr. Maurice Mary Kamari, OSB. The holy mass was presided over by Archbishop Liborius Ndumbukuti Nashenda, OMI of Windhoek.  Together with it was celebrated the jubilee of profession of Sr. Eufemia Amesho (70 years), Sr. Agrippina Ashipala (60 years)…

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First Profession in Jinja – Uganda

 On September 17, two sisters made their first profession in Jinja – Uganda:Grace Adong, now Sr. Deograzia, OSB and Olivia Natukunda, now Sr. Mary Olivia, OSB. Both started the mass with their novice’s dress… and received the white habit after the profession rite. Congratulations to the Sisters and Jinja Community!

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First Profession in Nairobi

 On September 8, four sisters made their first profession in Nairobi Priory. They are Anastacia Cherono, who is now Sr. Antoinette Marie, OSB, Elizabeth Odhiambo, who is now Sr. Mary Elizabeth, OSB, Furaha Mukandirwa, who is now Sr. Mary Claudia, ISB, and Neige Maombi Vahereni, who is now Sr. Maria Faustina, OSB. After prioress Sr.…

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Final Profession in Jinja – Uganda

 On our Foundation Day September 24, three sisters celebrated their final profession in Jinja – Uganda. They are Sr. Rose Marie Kavugho, Sr. Regina Nakkazzi and Sr. Evelyne Nanfuka.  After signing the profession card as a pledge of fidelity to God and the Congregation, the sisters show the card to the assembly. At the end of…

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First Profession in Ndanda

One thing I ask from the Lord,this only do I seek:that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life. Ps 27:4 The Eucharistic celeblationwith Rite of First Profession ofNovice Juliana Francis Nyanu,Novice Pieta Christopher Joseph,Novice Christina Gaudence Chagike,Novice Happiness Nyanjiga Stephano,Novice Fortunata Solo Stephano   Saturday, September 24,202209:30am…

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Sr. Guntheris (Mathilde) Wenig, OSB

 “Do not be afraid,  for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Our dear Sr. Guntheris (Mathilde) Wenig, OSB  was called home to God on July 17, 2022 in Peramiho. She was born on January 29, 1927 in Bischofsmais, Germany, Diocese of Passau. She offered herself to…

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Final Profession in Peramiho

   Congratulations to Sr. Kateri Marie Nkale, OSB, Sr. Piensia Mfuse and to the whole Priory of Peramiho to the Final Profession of both sisters on June 18.   Together with M. Ruth Bartonico, Prioress, 2nd row Sr. Mary Grace Mujuni and Sr. Gracia Mligo

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Congratulations for Final Profession and Jubilee in Ndanda

 On April 23, 2022 four sisters made their final profession in Ndanda / Tanzania and three sisters celebrated their silver jubilee of profession. 1st row Sisters who made final profession from left to right: Sr. Christina Elias Mhema, Sr. Sesilia Richard Manji, Sr. Adili Mathias Likiliwike, Sr. Magdalena Simon Kutingwa 2nd row Sisters celebrating silver…

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Newly planted trees in Subiaco & Convent grounds These trees also give very nice shed for creation Vegetable garden with banana and avocado trees. Here, Some old trees were cut as they were falling and new ones were planted.  Some herbal trees, fruit trees & plants in the herbal garden at Karen Care of animals cows and…

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Mandarin of Windhoek Priory House Community Papaya trees of Bunya Community   Lemon trees of Tsumeb ommunity Carrots, Broccoli, Red beets, Seedling Bed Different Fruit trees the Priory House Garden Carrots, Broccoli, Red beets, Seedling Bed Different Fruit trees, Pumpkin family And Garden in Bunya Community, Mahagus Namuntunt Community FarmerSewage System for recycling wastewater in the Priory House Tanks (1000…

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SISTERS’ INVOLVEMENT IN ECOLOGICAL ECONOMY The sisters care and rejoice over the good harvest of jackfruits of the Priory “Mafuriko” garden. The sisters are harvesting Rosella in Liundu Priory Farm   Aspirants and Postulants are processing cashew nuts harvested from the priory farm in Liundu. Cashew grains already processed ECOLOGICAL SUSTAINABILITY Care for arid-desert plants in…

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Visitation in Angola Ongoing

From Nov 2 to Dec 5 M. Maoro Sye and Sr. Vania Maria Toscano are doing the second part of the visitation of Torres Novas Priory, this time in Angola with the closing of the visitation in Torres Novas.  Kikolo / Luanda: Community with Formadees  Kuito Bié Community  Waku Kungo CommunityWaku Kungo ParishWaku Kungo Convent…

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CONGRATULATIONS TO THE FINAL PROFESSION IN WINDHOEK The names from left to right are:Sr. Emma Aindongo, Sr. Grace Kakweno, Sr. Mercy Gabriel, Sr. Ester Andowa, Sr. Cherubina Shiningeni, Sr. Theophora Hamukwaya, Sr. Prisca Shilongo, Sr. Ottilia Mukwangu and Sr. Hildegard Kandjimbi. Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.And I…

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CONGRATULATIONS FOR FIRST PROFESSION AND SILVER JUBILEE  On 4th.September, 2021, Nairobi Priory was blessed with 4 Junior sisters who took their First Monastic Vows, Sr. Immanuela OSB (Caroline), Sr. Liliana OSB (Lilian), Sr. Magdalene OSB (Magdalene) and Sr. Mary Desange OSB ( Leonie). On the same day Sr. Valeriana Matata OSB could look back and celebrate 25 years of Profession thanking God…

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First Profession in Jinja

First Profession in Jinja On Saturday, August 28, 2021 Sr. Noeline Nakaliiri and Sr. Oliver Nansubuga made their first profession in Jinja / Uganda.  We congratulate our two new sisters, Sr. Benedicta, the superior and the whole community of Jinja.     May God shower on them His blessings and help them to live their promise faithfully…

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“Do not be afraid,  for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Our dear SR. MARIA GORETTI (Magdalena) GAST , OSB  was called home to God on  August 29, 2021 in Peramiho. She was born on  September 6, 1932  in  Albatsried, Germany, Diocese of Augsburg. She offered…

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“Do not be afraid,  for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Our dear  SR. UTA MARIA (Uta Thekla) LINK , OSB  was called home to God on July 20, 2021 in Ndanda.   She was born on  July 7, 1937 in  Aschaffenburg, Germany, Diocese of Würzburg.…

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Renewal of Vows of Sr. Maria Eliza Kibonge (Peramiho Priory)

Renewal of Vows of Sr. Maria Eliza Kibonge (Peramiho Priory) On July 11 Junior Sister Sr. Maria Eliza  Kibonge renewed her profession for three years.    She signed the profession card, thus committing herself tof follow Christ in the religious community, stability in the Congregation of the Missionary Benedictine Sisters of Tutzing and obedience according…

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“The Joy of sitting at the feet of Jesus”

“The Joy of sitting at the feet of Jesus” “The Joy of sitting at the feet of Jesus” was the theme of our retreat which began on 1st July to the 9th July this year, facilitated by our Novice Directress Sr. Marie Bernadette. We had a very ample time and serene atmosphere which necessitated deep…

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“Do not be afraid,  for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Our dear  Sr. ANNET NAMADI , OSB  was called home to God on July 6, 2021 in Jinja.   She was born on  March 30, 1982 in  Mbale, Uganda, Diocese of Tororo. She offered herself…

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Sr. PEREGRINA (Agatha Peregrina) KANDERE , OSB

“Do not be afraid,  for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Our dear Sr. PEREGRINA (Agatha Peregrina) KANDERE , OSB  was called home to God on July 4, 2021 in Windhoek.   She was born on April 2, 1947 in Vuug-vungu, Rundu Apostolic Vicariate in Namibia.…

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PERAMIHO PRIORY CELEBRATES 120th YEAR OF BENEDICTINE PRESENCE July 1, 2021 marked the 120 years of celebrating God’s faithfulness to the Priory of Peramiho with the first four missionaries, Sr. Magdalena Hessing, Sr. Mechtildis Dickhoff, Sr. Constantia Mayr and Sr. Valeria Kuhlmann who laid the foundation of the Priory. With true missionary zeal, they bore…

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Installation of New Prioress in Ndanda / Tanzania

Installation of New Prioress in Ndanda / Tanzania  Congratulations to Sr. Raphaela Mlwilo, who was installed as new Prioress of Ndanda on June 29. It truly marked a day of blessing for the whole Priory and Congregation! 4 months of waiting…   Now…   The installation rite was integrated in Holy Mas presided over by Abbot…

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Dr. Giorgio Bordin and family help the poor

Dr. Giorgio Bordin and family help the poor An Italian family, Dr. Giorgio, his wife, Yolanda and two sons, Leonard and Gregory met our Sr. Theresia Shilongo, OSB in Windhoek in 2018. After Sr.Theresia introduced to them the missionary work of our Congregation, he and his family wanted to help the poor in Namibia.  The…

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CONGRATULATIONS FOR THE FINAL PROFESSION  In NAIROBI Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Ps 23:6 On May 22, 2021, Sr. Francine Kyakimwa and Sr. Mary Gabriel Ndumia made final profession, thus committing themselves to live as Missionary Benedictine…

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Sister Jacinta (Jacinta) Mwangangi , OSB

Sister Jacinta (Jacinta) Mwangangi , OSB “Do not be afraid,  for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Our dear  Sister Jacinta (Jacinta) Mwangangi , OSB  was called home to God on May 20, 2021 in Nairobi. She was born on  Spetember 20, 1965 in Masili, Kenya, Diocese of. Machakos.…

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Congratulations! Installation of new Prioress in Nairobi

Congratulations!  Installation of Sr. Rosa Pascal  as new Prioress of Nairobion May 15 May God always be her guide in decisions and undertakings! All sisters give the sign of peace (during the Corona Pandemic as bow) as their pledge of loyalty. Outgoing prioress Sr. Rosa Maria Santana with incoming prioress Sr. Rosa Pascal in the…

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CONGRATULATIONS FOR THE FINAL PROFESSIONin JINJA / Uganda “Let them prefer nothingwhatever to Christ” On May 1, 2021 three sisters committed themselves to follow Christ in religious community, to obedience and to stability in our Congregation. May the unshakable fidelity of the Lord give them always the confidence and courage to persevere in their vocation.…

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CONGRATULATIONS FOR THE FINAL PROFESSION IN NDANDA “Let them prefer nothingwhatever to Christ” On May 9, 2021 five sisters made their final profession in Ndanda, binding themselves for their whole life to the Congregation of the Missionary Benedictine Sisters of Tutzing. Here with Bishop Titus Mdoe of Mtwara and Prioress M. Terese Zemale from left…

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Windhoek Priories’s recent news

“Strong confidence in God’s inscrutable wayscalls us to walk the path of Easter.” As we continue to hope for the end of the pandemic, we wish to share with you our activities during the first three months of the New Year 2021 Holy week to Easter COMMUNITIES RECALL THEIR LENTEN PRACTICES FOR THE POOR One of…

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WELCOME NEW ASPIRANTS We were delighted to welcome three Aspirants on March 1st. One more Aspirant Gladys Barongo is going to come in April because of the situation of her job. We are so grateful to God for sending good ladies to our priory in this pandemic period. Our vocation promoter Sr. Paulina also has…

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