Tansanisches Missions-Erneuerungsprogramm

Am 30. Juni begann das Tansanische Missions-Erneuerungsprogramm mit 23 Teilnehmerinnen von allen 12 Prioraten. Das Thema lautet: In den Fußstapfen unserer Pionierinnen;unseren missionarischen Eifer wiedergewinnen Sie begannen im Zentrum der Tansanischen Bischofskonferenz in Dar es Salaam,wo ihnen M. Maoro Sye die Eröffnungsansprache online von Rom aus gab.Danach feierten sie die Heilige Messe im Zentrum. Am 1. Juli besuchten…

Congratulations for First Profession in Peramiho

 Congratualtions to Sr. Mary Francis Simwanza, Sr. Maria Saraphina Sanga, Sr. Maria Noela Kokushabira and Sr. Maria Beatrix Mjila, who celebrated their first profession in Peramiho on February 10. from left to right: Sr. Mary Beatrix, Sr. Maria Noela, Sr. Maria Saraphina, Sr. Mary Francis Sr. Maria Saraphina signs her profession card They sing together „Suscipe“ –…

Pray for First Profession in Peramiho

THE PRIORESS and THE COMMUNITYof theMissionary Benedictine Sisters of TutzingPeramiho Priorycordoally invite you to the Eucharistic CelebrationWith the Rite of Temporary Profession of Monastic vows of   Rev. Fr. Prior Melchior Kayombo, OSB(Main Celebrant) Friday, 10 Febrary 2023, 9:30 a.m. @St.Scholastica Chapel, Peramiho Followed by a short program and refreshment

First Profession of Vows and Silver Jubilee of Profession in Peramiho

  The names from left to right are: Newly professed Sr. Mary Joseph, Sr. Maria Caroline, Sr. Mary James, Sr. Maria Eusebia, Sr. Marie Stella and Sr. Maria Sesilia. Second row: Sr. Gracia, OSB (Novice Directress), Silver Jubilarians: Sr. Febronia and Sr. Paula (Ndanda), Sr. Laurensia, Sr. Fortunata, Sr. Deogratia, and Sr. Ottilia (Ndanda) with…