Jan.262023 THE PRIORESS and THE COMMUNITYof theMissionary Benedictine Sisters of TutzingPeramiho Priory cordoally invite you to the Eucharistic Celebration With the Rite of Temporary Profession of Monastic vows of Rev. Fr. Prior Melchior Kayombo, OSB(Main Celebrant) Friday, 10 Febrary 2023, 9:30 a.m. @St.Scholastica Chapel, Peramiho Followed by a short program and refreshment KommentarnavigationZurückVorheriger Beitrag:India Visitation OngoingNächstesNächster Beitrag:FEAST OF THE PRESENTATION OF THE LORDRelated PostsGebet für Ewige Profess in Daegu08/01/2025Gebet für Erste Profess in Windhoek06/01/2025