Season of Creation 2024

“Season of Creation” is the annual Christian celebration to pray and respond together to the cry of Creation: the ecumenical family around the world unites to listen and care for our common home.   Season of Creation: September 1 ~ October 4        – September 1: the World day of Prayer for the care of Creation   …

Closing of the Season of Creation

On October 4, the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, the Season of Creation came to a close.  In the Casa community we united with the whole world in this season of prayer for the creation.  We closed the season the season of creation with a renewal chapter asking God and our brothers and sisters…

Tutzing Priory: On the Road for Climate Justice

During the action for climate justice organized in the first run by “Fridays for Future” in more than 230 German cities , Sisters from the Motherhouse Tutzing participated in the rally /  demonstration in Munich together with sisters from the network “OrdensFrauenFürMenschenwürde – OFMW” Aware that it is the poorest and most vulnerable who suffer most from…


Liturgy, Prayer and Action plans by group Fostering Eco-Spirituality Education Making compost using food waste Ecological Education to Kindergarten children  JPIC committee meeting Especially, beans Korean traditional fermentation food ‘Doenjang(soybean paste)’ is made by beans from our farm. PARTICIPATORY ACTION  solidarity with the activities for the reinstatement of unfairly laid off workers solidarity with Myanmar’s…