
Em 1953, a Congregação estabeleceu uma Casa Generalícia Em 1970, esta Casa Generalícia foi transferida para um novo edifício em Roma. A estrutura previa também um ministério de pousada.



Em 1887, a comunidade de Reichenbach foi transferida para Emming, Diocese de Augsburg. Mais tarde, foi usado o nome St. Ottilien em homenagem ao santuário ali existente. Nesse mesmo ano, as irmãs abriram uma casa filha no lago de Starnberg com a ajuda das três irmãs Ringseis….



Em 1980, preocupada com muitas missionárias alemãs que retornavam, a Congregação construiu uma casa de repouso para missionárias que retornavam em Tutzing. A Casa São Bento é agora o lar de cerca de trinta missionárias aposentadas.



Em 1914, as Irmãs começaram na Bulgária para ajudar os colonos alemães através da educação. Mais tarde, sob o regime comunista, as irmãs serviram no hospital psiquiátrico adjacente. Hoje as irmãs fazem trabalhos sócio-pastorais e catequéticos.


Portugal, Espanha

Em 1961, foi fundada uma comunidade em Portugal. Hoje, o Priorado de Torres Novas com sua Casa Prioral em Torres Novas / Portugal inclui também a casa em Madri / Espanha e as comunidades em Angola.



Zarev Brod Community, welcomes a new Superior

The Installation of Sr. Regina Tesch, OSB as a superior of Bulgaria Generalate District House On February 26, 2025, the Bulgaria community received a divine blessing with the installation of its new superior, Sr. Regina Tesch. The Prioress General, Mother Rosann, conducted the ceremony during her first visit since assuming office. (Arrival at Varna Airport,…

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Ir. Joel Lee acolhida pela Comunidade da Casa

No dia 16 de novembro, chegou em Roma Ir. Joel Lee, do Priorado de Daegu para sua nova missão. No dia 21 de novembro, durante a Hora Meridiana os membros da comunidade, liderados por M. Maoro Sye acolheram alegremente a Irmã em seu meio.   Depois da oração M. Maoro deu a Ir. Joel o Regulamento da Casa.…

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Tutzing Priory awarded with the Laudato Si Plaque

 On Saturday November 9, Tutzing Priory was awarded by the diocese of Augsburg with the Laudato Si Plaque for the variety preservation garden in Wessobrunn. On a plot in Wessobrunn belonging to Tutzing Priory they have planted alongside their old apple trees new seedlings of these old types, in cooperation with the “Apple-Pear-Alps” project. This project…

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Abertura da Exposição da Congregação

No dia 23 de setembro, aconteceu a abertura da Exposição da Congregação na Casa Santo Spirito realizada por M. Maoro Sye e M. Angela Strobel na presença da Comunidade e dos membros do XIV Capítulo Geral. Esta foi uma recomendação dada ao Generalato pelo XIII Capítulo Geral, realizado em 2018:Para preservar e valorizar a história da…

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Profissão Perpétua em Tutzing

No dia 14 de julho, Ir. M. Paulina Kleinsteuber fez sua Profissão Perpétua em Tutzing. Presidiu a Santa Missa o Abade Johannes Eckert da Abadia de São Bonifácio de Munique. O evangelho foi lido e comentado pela Reitora Militar Petra Reitz. Enquanto as Irmãs e os convidados cantaram a ladainha de Todos os Santos,Ir. M.…

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Despedida de Ir. Eun Hye Cha

No domingo, dia 7 de julho, a Comunidade da Casa despediu-se de Ir. Eun Hye Cha, que, por 4 anos, foi membro da nossa  comunidade em Roma, indo agora de volta para seu Priorado de origem, Daegu. Ela ficou bem elegante com uma Kanga azul e um colar da mesma cor.  ndividualmente,  … e em…

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Oração pela Profissão Perpétua em Tutzing

Com alegria, a Prioresa de Tutzing Ir. Rachel Feller convida para a Celebração Eucarística com o rito da Profissão Perpétua de Ir. M. Paulina Kleinsteuber OSB  no Domingo dia 14 fr julho de 2024. Vamos nos unir em oração com o Priorado de Tutzing para que Ir. M. Paulina receba as bençãos de Deus,  aquele que a chamou.

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Bernried: 75 anos de presença Beneditina Missionária

 A Comundade de Bernried  A partir de julho de 2024, a Comunidade de Bernried / Alemanha cultivará o passado com um olhar de gratidão pelos 75 anos de presença Beneditina Missionária em Bernried.   No dia 4 de julho de 1949, as quatro primeiras Irmãs chegaram em Bernried para a fundação com um pequeno caminhão e 20 DM. Já em setembro foi oferecido, para pessoas jovens, o primeiro curso de Ciências Domésticas…

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Visita de alguns participantes do MFP

Na Segunda-feira de Páscoa, dia 1º de abril, 6 participantes do Programa de Formação Monástica visitaram nossa comunidade, entre les está nossa Irmã Sarah Elizabeth McMahon do Priorado de Norfolk. Depois do almoço rezamos juntos o Regina Caeli, e nos sentamos para partilhar um pouco e trocar informaçóes.  Obrigada por sua visita e venham mais uma vez!

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Nova Missionária é recebida na Bulgaria

 No dia 13 de fevereiro, Ir. Juliana Malila do Priorado de Peramiho Priory chegou na Bulgária como nova missionária.Ela foi acolhida no aeroporto por Ir. Ludwig e Ir. Mary Grace  …    e na entrada do convento e   …  no refeitório por toda a Comunidade. Agradecemos ao Priorado de Peramiho que a enviou para a Bulgaria  a fim de fortalecer os…

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Missa de Ação de Graças em Sekirovo

Em breve Ir. Angela Park vai sair de Sekirovo e ficar na comunidade em Zarevbrod. Por isso, no dia 28 de janeiro, a Paróquia celebrou uma missa de ação de graças,   agradecendo a Deus a dedicação de Ir. Angela na paróquia neste periodo de um ano e meio.  Pe. Nedyalko com Ir. Angela Depois da…

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Benção das Casas em Sekirovo

Como acontee cada ano, neste ano os sacerdotes e paroquianos juntamente com as Irmás  foram de casa em casa em Sekirovo para dar a benção.  O Pároco, seu assistente, os acolitos juntamente com as Irmãs fizeram o plano para abençoar cada casa. Estar com as familias em suas casas, levar Cristo para abençoa-las, é também…

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Oração pela Primeira Profissão em Tutzing

CONFIANDO  no amor e na misericordia de Deus eu me comprometo por très anos através da profissão Temporária no dia 2 de fevereiro de 2024 com Deus e a comunidade das  Irmãs Beneditinas Missionárias de Tutzing Peço acompanhar-me em suas orações.   Ir. Thekla Wagner Ó Senhor meu Deus,   Ensinai-me a vos buscar, não…

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Sr. Escolastica (Albertina) Salgado Magalhâes, OSB

  “Do not be afraid,  for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Our dear Sr. Escolastica (Albertina) Salgado Magalhâes, OSB  was called home to God on  October 16, 2023 in Torres Novas She was born on May 27, 1940 in Rebordoes, Diocese of Porto, Portugal. She offered herself to…

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Jovens Irmãs Beneditinas da Europa em Tutzing

Neste ano, o encontro da CIB, das jovens Irmãs Beneditinas aconteceu em Tutzing. 18 Irmãs Beneditinas se encontraram para uma partilha. As participantes vieram de 6 países da Europa. As conferencistas foram, Ir. Lynn McKenzie OSB, moderadora da CIB, e  Ir. Mechthild Hommel, teologa. No presente é a Subprioresa em Tutzing. Ir. Mechtild falou sobre o…

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Peregrinação da Bulgária para a Jornada Mundial da Juventude

Nossa Ir. Nadya Ruzhina, com o grupo dos 120 jovens que ela preparou e acompanhou, seguiu da Bulgária para Lisboa / Portugal a fim de participar da Jornada Mundial da Juventude, uma experiència inesquecivel para todos. Foi uma semana cheia de encontros, celebrações litúrgicas, caminhando juntos. A última noite passaram ao relento juntamente com milhares de pessoas.Em…

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Jornada Mundial da Juventude em Portugal

A jornada Mundial da Juventude de 2023 aconteceu em Lisboa – Portugal, nossas Irmãs estiveram comprometidas participando das atividades com os jovens e os Idosos.   Em junho de 2023, o Priorado de Torres Novas recebeu os simbolos da Jornada, a Cruz e o Icone da da Virgem Maria. Jovens da Paróquia com a cruz da…

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Dia Mundial dos Avós e dos Idosos em Zarevbrod

Enquanto a Igreja celebra o terceiro Dia Mundial dos Avós e Idosos, a Diocese de Nikopolis / Russe, juntamente com nossas irmãs de Zarevbrod, convidou 150 idosos da Diocese para o espaçoso jardim do convento de Zarevbrod. No entanto, não foram apenas os idosos que vieram, também os jovens vieram desfrutar da felicidade de estarem…

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Orientação para a Prioresa Ir. Rachel Feller

Ir. Rachel Feller, que em fevereiro deste ano, tomou posse como a nova Prioresa de Tutzing, veio para Roma, de 3 a 5 de julho, para receber orientações num encontro com o Generalato.Uma oportunidade para aprofundar o conhecimento mutuo estreitando os laços da boa cooperação. Deus abençõe o Priorado de Tutzing sob a liderança de…

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Paróquia de Zarevbrod celebra missa na Natureza

No domingo, dia 14 de maio, a paróquia de Zarevbrod celebrou a Santa Missa no planalto de Shumen. Os fiéis leigos, as irmãs e o P. Miguel desfrutaram da bela natureza, criação de Deus. Depois, fizeram um piquenique juntos. P. Michael durante a celebração da Santa Missa Irmã Nadya acompanhando as músicas com o violão…

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Sr. HILDE (Hildegund Anna) MARTIN, OSB

  “Do not be afraid,  for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Our dear Sr. Hilde (Hildegund Anna) Martin,  OSB   was called home to God on April 29, 2023 in Sorocaba. She was born on May 23, 1938 in  Augsburg, Germany,  Diocese of  Augsburg . She offered herself to God…

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Sr. Marita Haarmann, OSB

“Do not be afraid,  for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Our dear Sr. Marita (Marita) Haarmann,  OSB   was called home to God on April 4, 2023 in Haus St. Benedikt / Tutzing. She was born on December 28, 1936 in  Dorsten, Germany,   Diocese of  Münster, Germany. She offered…

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On the Eve of Epiphany – Haus St. Benedikt

On the eve of the Epiphany, Fr. Philipp, OSB again blessed all our rooms. The young carol singers from the parish visited us and gratefully accepted our sweets and bank notes for children in Indonesia and around the world who, for various reasons, are at risk or have been victims of violence. We celebrated Epiphany…

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Sr. Maria (Maria) Breuer, OSB

  “Do not be afraid,  for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Our dear Sr. Maria (Maria) Breuer, OSB   was called home to God on December 10, 2022 in Tutzing. She was born on August 27, 1932  in  Lünen,  Germany,  Diocese of Mϋnster, Germany. She offered herself to God through Temporary…

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Prioress elect of Tutzing Priory

On November 19 Sr. Rachel Feller was elected Prioress of Tutzing / Germany. The election chapter was presided by Sr. Vania Maria Toscano assisted by Sr. Regina Tesch. Sr. Rachel will start her term of office in February 2023 following Sr. Ruth Schönenberger. Sr. Rachel Feller with Sr. Vania Maria Toscano Sr. Vania Maria thanked…

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Sr. Maria Linus (Anna) Halene, OSB

  “Do not be afraid,  for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Our dear Sr. Maria Linus (Anna) Halene, OSB   was called home to God on November 6, 2022 in Tutzing. She was born on December 2, 1931 in Ahlen, Germany, Diocese of Mϋnster, Germany. She offered herself…

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Foundation Day in Torres Novas Priory

Also in Torres Novas, Portugal, the Foundation was celebrated with a festive liturgy and a special decoration in the chapel.  Likewise, in our small community in Madrid / Spain Foundation Day in our small community in Madrid / Spain Sisters thanked for God’s guidance through our history,from our Founder Fr. Andreas Amrheinto our first Prioress…

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Blessing of Convent in / Bulgaria

After many years of reconstruction the convent building in Zarevbrod could be blessed on September 17. Holy Mass was celebrated in the garden presided by Bishop of Nikopolis, Monsignore Strahil Kavalenov, concelebrated by many priests from all over the country with the participation of around 200 people from near and far. Afterwards the Bishop blessed…

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Summer camp – Bulgaria

Our summer camp this year started with a 5 day music program conducted by Sr. Franziska Lehmann from Tutzing Priory. The music program was to begin on the 30th of August but already on the 29th of August Sr. Franziska, who had just arrived the same day early in the morning, was ready to meet…

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Sr. Maria Wynfrith (Therese) Paukner, OSB

  “Do not be afraid,  for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Our dear Sr. Maria Wynfrith (Therese)  Paukner,  OSB  was called home to God on August 24, 2022 in TUTZING She was born on March 26, 1928 in  Vorderau, Germany,  Diocese of Regensburg. She offered herself…

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Grandparents´ Day in Torres Novas – TORRES NOVAS PRIORY

In the celebration of Grandparents’ Day, 07/26, the Elderly, assisted by the Social Educator, made cookies and then presented them to all the grandmothers residing at St. Benedict´s Home (Nursing Home), the Sisters were also able to taste. They were delicious! Congratulations, gifted grannies, you all worked well Our community had a moment of reflection…

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Sr. Gotthelma (Maria) Zahnbrecher, OSB

 “Do not be afraid,  for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Our dear Sr. Gotthelma (Maria) Zahnbrecher, OSB  was called home to God on July 14, 2022 in Tutzing. She was born on January 28, 1925 in Unteraschau, Germany, Diocese of Munich-Freising. She offered herself to…

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On the 25th of June, Sr. Angela, Sr. Ludwig and Sr. Tecla joined the Elderly Women Club of Zarev Brod for an excursion to the Thracian Tomb of Sveshtari near Isperih, 62 Kilometres from our town of Shumen. In a full bus of 25 people, we travelled joyfully to this famous historical location. READ MORE…

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Help for Refugees from Ukraine

Since the beginning of the war in Ukrainein February 2022 around 200,000 refugees have arrived in Bulgaria. Well-wishers, families, social and church organizations are opening their doors to Ukrainian citizens. As Benedictine sisters we have visited their center and given our donations to help especially in buying food.  Sr. Nadya with Ukrainians Ukrainian children We…

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Sr. Dietgard (Walburga) Dolp, OSB

      “Do not be afraid,  for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Our dear Sr. Dietgard (Walburga) Dolp, OSB  was called home to God on June 29, 2022 in Tutzing.   She was born on December 6, 1925 in Hausen, Germany, Diocese of Diocese of …

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Assembly of German Catholics

  Three Sisters of Tutzing Priory (Sr. Mechthild Hommel, Sr. Katharina Rohrmann and Sr. Veronika Sube) participated in the Assembly of the German Catholics in Stuttgart from May 25 – 29 with the theme “Share Life – Faith – Hope“.     Besides many events, discussions and liturgical services most important were the many encounters,…

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Television in Tutzing

  On April 20 the team of came to Tutzing  to film for the pilot episode of the new format “Unhappy”. One day they were with Sr. Katharina Rohrmann to talk with her about aspects important for successful living, what can be helpful in dark moments and significant aspects of time and time structure.…

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Visitation in Tutzing Priory

 From February 12 to March 9, 2022, M. Maoro Sye assisted by Sr. Regina Tesch held the visitation in Tutzing Priory. They visited the three communities in the Motherhouse, Bernried and Dresden and held workshops in four groups, one in Dresden and three in the motherhouse. Community in Bernried Community in Dresden Group 1 Workshop…

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Sr. Maria Georg (Waltraud) Nowottny, OSB

“Do not be afraid,  for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Our dear Sr. Maria Georg (Waltraud) Nowottny, OSB  was called home to God on February 15, 2022 in Haus St. Benedikt / Tutzing. She was born on May 21, 1929 in  Breslau, Diocese of  Breslau,  in Germany. She…

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In the midst of the Sisters and with a reduced number of guests due to corona, we were able tolook back with gratitude to a 100 years lifetime with Sr. Josefa Knab on November 18. With a lovingly designed birthday cake wecelebrated a happy birthday coffee – at whichmayor Marlene Greinwald, pastor Peter Brummerand Mr.…

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SR. GISELINDE (GISELA) SCHAUT , OSB “Do not be afraid,  for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Our dear Sr. Giselinde (Gisela) Schaut , OSB was called home to God on September 26,  2021 in Haus St. Benedikt, Tutzing She was born on  August 12, 1938…

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“Do not be afraid,  for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Our dear SR. GUNTLINDA (Gertrud) GANSER , OSB  was called home to God on August 16, 2021 in Tutzing.   She was born on November 16, 1932 in Untersulmetingen, Germany, Diocese of Rottenburg. She offered…

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Heavy rainfall and floods in Germany

Heavy rainfall and floods in Germany On June 21 after compline lightning and thunder started. It rattled and cracked against the windows and the quickly lowered shutters. In no time the gutters were filled with hailstones and overflowed. Roses, flowers and shrubs in the garden were broken. Later we had more cases of heavy rainfall…

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Bernried celebrates 900th anniversary of the monastery

Bernried celebrates 900th anniversary of the monastery On 25 July in the monastery courtyard. In beautiful weather, many people came together to give thanks for the long history of the village, which is closely linked to the foundation and development of the Augustinian Canons Regular Monastery founded in 1121.  A festive gift of a special kind…

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The renewal of the oblation of our seven oblates

The renewal of the oblation of our seven oblates The feast of St. Benedikt was crowned with the renewal of the oblation of our seven oblates: Lucy, Wilma, Leira Liezel, Emma, Ananie and Liza. Faithfully, without much fuss andwith kindness they care for our old and sick sisters in the infirmary, work in kitchen, laundry…

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Final Profession of Sr. Nadya Petrova Ruzhina

Final Profession of Sr. Nadya Petrova Ruzhina On the Solemnity of St. Benedict, Patron of Europe, Sr. Nadya Ruzhina had her final profession in Tutzing / Germany. Coming from Bulgaria she had her monastic, spiritual and professional formation in Germany being part of Tutzing Priory. Sr. Ruth Schönenberger, Prioress of Tutzing, gave her the ring…

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Zarev brod community in Germany

Zarev brod community in Germany For the feast of St. Benedict this year, on July 11th as a community we were invited to Tutzing priory for the final profession of our one and only Bulgarian Sr. Nadya Ruzhina. We travelled on the 8th of July, together with the parents of Sr. Nadya and her brother.…

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Sr. Monika (Franziska) Brandl

“Do not be afraid,  for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Sister Monika (Franziska) Brandl, OSB  was called home to God on April 24, 2021 in Haus St. Benedikt/Tutzing.   She was born on October 14, 1932 in Oberneukirchen, Germany.  She belonged to the diocese of…

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A visit by the Bulgarian National Television

Easter Candles Display The Easter candles express God’s love and mercy, falling upon the world through Jesus Christ who is the Beginning and the End. The Cross carved on the Easter candle conveys the Paschal Journey of suffering, death and resurrection of Christ.   The priory house Easter Candles were displayed, decorated by Sr. Liberata…

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50th Jubilee of Consecrated Life to the Lord

Sr. Letícia da Costa Alves, 50th Jubilee of Consecrated Life to the Lord Due to the lockdown, everything was very restricted, but she was granted the grace of having Holy Mass in the Community Chapel. You seduced me, Lord, and I let myself be seduced; you were too strong for me, and you prevailed.

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