set252022 Also in Torres Novas, Portugal, the Foundation was celebrated with a festive liturgy and a special decoration in the chapel. Likewise, in our small community in Madrid / Spain Foundation Day in our small community in Madrid / Spain Sisters thanked for God’s guidance through our history,from our Founder Fr. Andreas Amrheinto our first Prioress General M. Birgitta Korffuntil todaywith our meanwhile international Congregationon the way to Interculturality. Navegação de post:AnteriorPost anterior:Socio-Pastoral Apostolate in Manila PrioryPróximoPróximo post:Climate Action of Seoul PrioryRelated PostsIr. Joel Lee acolhida pela Comunidade da Casa21/11/2024Ir. Lumen Gloria Dungca foi eleita Prioresa de Manila20/11/2024