Epiphany of the Lord

The Magi travel towards Bethlehem.   Their pilgrimage speaks also to us, who are called to journey towards Jesus.(Homily of Pope Francis on the Day) So, also we set out to travel… but through our house to bless each room and corner including the house of our faithful worker Pedro with his family. Christus Mansionem  Benedicat!May God…


“Do not be afraid,  for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Our dear Sr. Magda (Magda) Eberhard, OSB  was called home to God on January 2, 2022 in Tutzing. She was born on September 21, 1935 in  Bozen,  Diocese of  Bozen-Brixen in Germany. She offered herself…