Übergabe des St. Peter Colleges an die Erzdiözese Palo

Am 16. Juni übergab das Priorat Manila in der Person von Sr. Mary Thomas, Priorin, das St. Peter College in Ormoc an die Erzdiözese Palo in der Person von Erzbischof John Du. 94 Jahre hatten sich die Schwestern hier für eine gute katholische Erziehung auf der Grundlage benediktinischer Werte eingesetzt. Sr. Mary Thomas dankte dem Erzbischof,…

Sr. Winfrieda (Milagros) Bugayong, OSB

  “Do not be afraid,  for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Our dear Sr. Winfrieda (Milagros) Bugayong,  OSB   was called home to God on April 8, 2023 in Marikina. She was born on April 11, 1920 in  Manila,   Archdiocese of  Manila. She offered herself to God through Temporary Profession…

Sr. Celestine (Francisca) Marino, OSB

“Do not be afraid,  for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Our dear Sr. Celestine  (Francisca) Marino, OSB   was called home to God on December 30, 2022 in Tutzing. She was born on May 24, 1937 in  Bato,  Diocese of  Nueva Caceres, Philippines. She offered herself to God through…

Socio-Pastoral Apostolate in Manila Priory

 The Socio-Pastoral Apostolate, or SPA, is one of the implementing arms of the missionary endeavors of the Manila Priory. The sisters are assigned to the social apostolate in the outreach centers of our schools and hospitals. Those sisters took to heart the fiat they prayed in response to the exhortation from Micah 6:8: „And what does…