Our Sunday School in All Saints Parish of Okongo started in February 2020, but we were disrupted by the Covid-19 outbreak in April 2020. Until then, we were able to resume only in March 2022 with 8 children. The kids were inspired when I informed them that they will be going to the Camp. They have been eagerly waiting and when the day was approaching, the number increased to 15 children.

Consequently, the Camp was held at Ongha Mission from 18 – 20 November. Sr. Mary Rose Sirongo and Sr. Mary Clemens left Okongo in the afternoon of Friday with our 9 Children and picked up 8 from Okanhi Community; they were a total of 17 in number ages 5-13 and all of them were attending the Camp for the first time. At least 13 communities came together for this Camp with about 200 children.