Welcome International Junior Program 2025

(Photo L→R) Sr. Serena, Sr. Oliver, Sr. Mary Joachim, Sr. Noeline, Sr. Mary Claudia and Sr. Marie Johann (IJP Coordinator) The International Junior Program 2025 officially began at the Casa Community in Rome on March 5th. The participants are: Sr. Noeline Nakaliri (GD/ Jinja, Uganda) Sr. Oliver Nansudbga (GD/ Jinja, Uganda) Sr. Serena (Su-min) Jung (Daegu Priory/ Korea) Sr. Mary Claudia Kasoki…

Pope’s March prayer intention: ‘For families in crisis’

In March’s prayer intention video, Pope Francis highlighted the struggles many families face and emphasized the importance of forgiveness. Acknowledging that no family is perfect and that conflicts arise from differences among members, he suggested that forgiveness is the key to healing and rediscovering peace. By giving family members another chance, just as God forgives…