With the whole Church and the world we Missionary Benedictine Sisters of Tutzing mourn the death of Pope emeritus Benedict XVI, who died on December 31, 2022. At the same time we thank God for the gift of this great theologian and pope who led the Church in difficult times with his deep faith, humility and righteousness.
Many of our sisters treasure personal memories of encounters with him. Some had the chance to hear his lectures as professor in Münster and Tübingen.
Already as Cardinal he was a friend of the Congregation and visited different communities at different times.
In 1991 he visited our community Casa Santo Spirito in Rome together with his then secretary Dr. Klemens and his sister Maria.

Cardinal Ratzinger with M. Edeltrud Weist left and M. Irene Dabalus right.

Sr. Elisabeth Kerp, his then secretary Dr. Klemens, on the right side his sister Maria

During his stay in Angola in 2009 our Sr. Lugarda Pak served in the sacristy.
Arrival of Pope Benedict at the airport of Luanda March 20, 2009

During the 12th General Chapter, being re-elected as Prioress General, M. Angela had the chance to greet Pope Benedict personally.

in the Chapel of the Priory House in Daegu