(This account was written on October 12, 2012
during the XII General Chapter)
According to Sr. Bernita Walter it was assumed that the original painting of the Sacred Heart of Jesus by Fr. Andreas Amrhein did not exist until we got information from Fr. Amrhein’s letters that he painted the Sacred Heart by order of Mr. Benzinger, Publisher of Einsiedeln in Switzerland. On October 29, 1903 Fr. Andreas wrote Fr. Thomas Bossart, deacon of the monastery in Einsiedeln: I painted meanwhile a big picture of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and for the first time Mr Benzinger was completely satisfied while repeating:
“This painting I like very much; it shows majestic dignity, clemency, love, vitality, light and warmth. One can pray with it.’”
The painting got the title – Iesus, Salvator Mundi. It is signed with Fr. Amrhein’s pseudonym, Georg André, and later added the abbreviation of JA. When Mother Angela in 2010 read about it she asked me to write Benzinger Publisher and to inquire about the painting. At that time I was the house coordinator in Rome. I found out that Benzinger Publisher did not exist anymore, but nevertheless I wrote to the new owner. I never got an answer.
Other pictures Fr. Amrhein’s painted
The Benzinger Archive in Einsiedeln.
Later M. Angela learnt from Fr. Cyrill Schäfer, OSB in St. Ottilien that the painting is in the Benzinger Archive. Meanwhile I was already in Norfolk. M. Angela asked me to go to Einsiedeln when I visit my family in Switzerland to find out if the painting is still available. As my homeleave, before the General Chapter approached, I asked the brother of my sister-inlaw, Hans Binder, if he could help me find the Benzinger Archive in Einsiedeln. He contacted Herrn Lienhart, director of the Fram Museum and he invited me to come and see if I could find the painting . Fram Museum was only established in 2008 and has 3 main concerns of collection Main criteria for collection is the close connection to Einsiedeln.
Bring our jubilee prayer card of 2010 along to show the picture.
On September 12 at 10 in the morning I had my appointment. I brought our jubilee prayer card of 2010 along to show the picture. After some prayers at the shrine of our Lady, my brother Arthur Portmann, and his wife Rosmarie, sister of Hans Binder, and I went to the museum. After showing Mr. Lienhard my prayer card he said, “I have seen this painting. I think we have it”. First we went to his computer and watched a series of digitalized Sacred Heart paintings. But we could not find it. Then he gave me three archive boxes with paintings of holy picture, mostly Jesus, Mary, Joseph and many saints, but still I could not find the painting.
One more idea where to find it
Finally, the director came back and told me, “I have one more idea where to find it.” He went back to the archive and came with the painting and a letter of EOS Publishing. He and we were overjoyed seeing this great and big painting .
Started the deal nothing can be given away.
Now we started the deal. The director contacted his boss, Mrs Detta Kaelin, curator of the museum. We learnt that nothing can be given away, but she asked about our budget and told me it has to go to the board of the museum who would meet the following week. Upon my arrival in Rome on September 17, I received the email from the museum that the board granted our request. A few days later Mrs. Kaelin wrote,
“I am happy to know that the painting found its “right place”. I could convince the board to sell the picture, although it is against our principles. We unanimously agreed that this picture would be honored with you while it would be very seldom looked at in our archive.”
To transport the picture safely
My brother Arthur went to Einsiedeln to get the painting with a document of our ownership from the museum. Meanwhile, our Sisters in Ettiswil paid the required amount. Arthur made a special box of press-wood to transport the picture safely. My youngest brother Gebhard was ready to transport this picture on his way to Calabria (7 hours south of Rome), where he spent 2 weeks of vacation. On October 5 he handed the precious painting over to me at the “Autogrill” on the interstate outside Rome.
Celebrated a thanksgiving Mass
Sacred Heart of Jesus by Sr. Gerarda Rybark, OSB
You sacred Heart of Jesus, Love,
like fire so hot your Divine blood,
we poor, you come to fill us.
You pledge of grace, you sacrifice,
endow us with your blessing.
Your goodness deeper than the sea,
in suffering consolation sweet,
you quiet peace of God,
mercy, so mild which richly flows,
who could avoid you coldly!
You sacred Heart of Jesus, disgraced so much,
till pierced by bitter painful death,
obedience until dying!
For us tormented on the cross,
for us you worked redemption.
You sacred Heart of Jesus, Love,
please bath us in your holy blood,
which from your cross is flowing,
you pledge of grace, you sacrifice,
us always please enkindle.
Other pictures Fr. Amrhein’s painted