Pedido de oração pela Profissão Perpétua em Seoul

Madre Prioresa Illumina Lee OSB e aa Irmãs Beneditinas Missionárias do Priorado de Seoulcom muita alegria, convidam para/comunicam a Celebração Eucarística com o rito da Profissão Perpétua de   Ir. Maria Kolbe Hong OSB  e Ir. Rosaria Choi OSB  no dia 11 de fevereiro de 2025, terça-feira, às 14 horasna Capela da Casa do Priorado de Seoul Incluamos…

Seoul Aewha School – God has a Plan for Everybody

Seoul Aewha School is a school for students with hearing impairment and mental challenges offering them education from nursery to High School. After graduation in High school, students can still enroll in  vocational education. Their educational programs are enjoyable and profitable for their future. Their education is not purely academic, but involves as well social…


Liturgy, Prayer and Action plans by group Fostering Eco-Spirituality Education Making compost using food waste Ecological Education to Kindergarten children  JPIC committee meeting Especially, beans Korean traditional fermentation food ‘Doenjang(soybean paste)’ is made by beans from our farm. PARTICIPATORY ACTION  solidarity with the activities for the reinstatement of unfairly laid off workers solidarity with Myanmar’s…