First Profession of Vows and Silver Jubilee of Profession in Peramiho

  The names from left to right are: Newly professed Sr. Mary Joseph, Sr. Maria Caroline, Sr. Mary James, Sr. Maria Eusebia, Sr. Marie Stella and Sr. Maria Sesilia. Second row: Sr. Gracia, OSB (Novice Directress), Silver Jubilarians: Sr. Febronia and Sr. Paula (Ndanda), Sr. Laurensia, Sr. Fortunata, Sr. Deogratia, and Sr. Ottilia (Ndanda) with…

Visitation in Tutzing Priory

 From February 12 to March 9, 2022, M. Maoro Sye assisted by Sr. Regina Tesch held the visitation in Tutzing Priory. They visited the three communities in the Motherhouse, Bernried and Dresden and held workshops in four groups, one in Dresden and three in the motherhouse. Community in Bernried Community in Dresden Group 1 Workshop…