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Newly planted trees in Subiaco & Convent grounds These trees also give very nice shed for creation Vegetable garden with banana and avocado trees. Here, Some old trees were cut as they were falling and new ones were planted. Some herbal trees, fruit trees & plants in the herbal garden at Karen Care of animals cows and…
Mandarin of Windhoek Priory House Community Papaya trees of Bunya Community Lemon trees of Tsumeb ommunity Carrots, Broccoli, Red beets, Seedling Bed Different Fruit trees the Priory House Garden Carrots, Broccoli, Red beets, Seedling Bed Different Fruit trees, Pumpkin family And Garden in Bunya Community, Mahagus Namuntunt Community FarmerSewage System for recycling wastewater in the Priory House Tanks (1000…
SISTERS’ INVOLVEMENT IN ECOLOGICAL ECONOMY The sisters care and rejoice over the good harvest of jackfruits of the Priory “Mafuriko” garden. The sisters are harvesting Rosella in Liundu Priory Farm Aspirants and Postulants are processing cashew nuts harvested from the priory farm in Liundu. Cashew grains already processed ECOLOGICAL SUSTAINABILITY Care for arid-desert plants in…
The Earth Day – School Event Reuse, Reduce, Recycle Ecological environment presentation by students The Franciscan Priest and the children with the dogs will be put side by side. The priests came to the school maybe on the feast of St. Francis to bless the animals.
Planting Trees St. Benedict’s grade school children planting trees to instill environmental awareness in the young generation Our Sunday School Children excited about the gifts given by the community
CARE for Cancer Patients collecting oil from kitchen (used) what they receive when sold is financial support for the house of cancer patients under treatment in our Hospital Social center 60 children are members of the project Conviver Covid department on our Hospital Ecological Education Our Novitiate Garden
Saving resources / water Adoption of renewable Energy-Installation solar panelEnergy efficiency measure
It is already a happy tradition to welcome Abbot Primate Gregory Polan together with the Prior of Sant’Anselmo Fr. Mauritius Wilde a few days before Christmas. Again this year it was a joyful coming together sharing news and gifts and exchanging Christmas greetings. Casa Community with Abbot Primate Gregory Polan, OSB and Fr. Mauritius Wilde, OSB…