On Saturday before the solemnity of Corpus Christ, formandees were very busy decorating the areas with flower carpets, where the procession of the Blessed Sacrament would pass. The novices prepared the Alter near Santa Maria gate, while Postulants and Aspirants designed on the way a chalice, lamb, fish and vine.

The children decorated the main road. The sisters of our community decorated the road going from the Abbey church to the gate going near the hospital store.

Nursing school students took charge from the hospital store via dental clinic to the outpatient department, where the second altar was erected. From there the procession passed through Madeko to teachers‘ quarters, where the third altar was prepared. From teachers‘ quarter it went straight to the Abbey church.

We had different choirs singing all the way. The security guards were with us, since we had to cross the main road. They escorted us until the entrance of the church. All the way we sang and danced with joy and thanksgiving. The main celebrant of the high mass was Fr. Damian Msisiri, OSB from Ndanda Abbey assisted by Fr. Michael, OSB. In his homily Fr. Damian stressed that we have to see the importance of the holy Eucharist in our lives and receive with it with faith. If we would receive it without faith, our life would have no meaning.