“Come and See” Vocation Workshop in Windhoek / Namibia

This year, 22 Observers from Owamboland, Kavango, Tsumeb,Omaruru and Osile joined the “Come and See “workshop from 02December to 09 December. Sr. John Paul Hosea, Vocation and Aspirant Directress and the Formation Team scheduled an orientation, house tour, classes, video, work, meditation and bible sharing, recreation and joining the daily Community prayer and activities. We…

Developments at Benedictine St. Scholastica School -TORRES NOVAS PRIORY / Angola

After the construction of the sports court with funds from benefactors from the United States, the Priory sponsored the acquisition of equipment and the registration of the team of players in the Championship. The Priory’s most recent investment was the construction of the school porch, which was needed because the children would sit in the…


Ongwediva Community     Jesus, our Saviour Kindergarten and Pre-School, Sr. Agatha Iipinge, OSB shared that the first Pre-School graduation in Ongwediva took place on 26 November 2022. Many people came. The parents of the 20 graduating learners were happy to witness the wellprepared graduation exercises. They want their children to remain if only there is…