Congratulations for First Profession in Windhoek / Namibia

Congratulations to Sr. Christiana Mungeli, Sr. Mirjam Johannes and Sr. Mary Joachim Iiyambo, who celebrated their first profession on February 11 in Nubuamis Priory House, Windhoek. The rite of first profession started already on the evening before with the washing of the feet of the three novices Christina, Mirjam and Tuuliki. In community life, we need to…

Congratulations for First and Final Profession in Daegu

 Congratulations to Sr. Marie Angelo Park, Sr. Cordia Choi, and Sr. Mary Grace Kim, who made their final profession in Daegu on February 10, 2023. from left to right: Sr. Mary Grace Kim, Sr. Cordia Choi, Sr. Marie Angelo Park Congratulations also to Sr. Ottilia Kim, who made her first profession on February 9 in Daegu. May God continue…

ST. SCHOLASTICA – February 10

 O GLORIOUS ST. SCHOLASTICA, O DOVE WHO FLEW TO HEAVEN ON WINGS OF LOVE Scholastica was according to the Dialogues of St. Gregory the Great the sister of St. Benedict, who was from her youth dedicated to God. She liked to come once per year to meet her brother for spiritual exchange. When they met…

Happy Feast Day Sr. Lumen

 On February 2, we in the Casa Community did not only celebratePresentation of the Lord and the Day of Consecrated Life,but also the feast day of our Vicaress General Sr. Lumen Gloria Dungca. We thank Sr. Lumen Gloria for her tireless service to our Congregationand our Casa Community! Also sisters from Manila Priory House sent their…

Pray for First Profession in Peramiho

THE PRIORESS and THE COMMUNITYof theMissionary Benedictine Sisters of TutzingPeramiho Priorycordoally invite you to the Eucharistic CelebrationWith the Rite of Temporary Profession of Monastic vows of   Rev. Fr. Prior Melchior Kayombo, OSB(Main Celebrant) Friday, 10 Febrary 2023, 9:30 a.m. @St.Scholastica Chapel, Peramiho Followed by a short program and refreshment