Closing of the Season of Creation

On October 4, the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, the Season of Creation came to a close.  In the Casa community we united with the whole world in this season of prayer for the creation.  We closed the season the season of creation with a renewal chapter asking God and our brothers and sisters…

Annual Assembly in Angola

 In September, we gathered at St. Scholastica´s Community in Luanda, for the Annual Assembly of the Communities in Angola. The Sisters were given the opportunity to send their proposals and suggestions in advance, as well as the responsibility to contribute to the resolution of the issues raised. The photos show the environment that was prepared…

Tutzing Priory: On the Road for Climate Justice

During the action for climate justice organized in the first run by “Fridays for Future” in more than 230 German cities , Sisters from the Motherhouse Tutzing participated in the rally /  demonstration in Munich together with sisters from the network “OrdensFrauenFürMenschenwürde – OFMW” Aware that it is the poorest and most vulnerable who suffer most from…

Foundation Day in Torres Novas Priory

Also in Torres Novas, Portugal, the Foundation was celebrated with a festive liturgy and a special decoration in the chapel.  Likewise, in our small community in Madrid / Spain Foundation Day in our small community in Madrid / Spain Sisters thanked for God’s guidance through our history,from our Founder Fr. Andreas Amrheinto our first Prioress…

Socio-Pastoral Apostolate in Manila Priory

 The Socio-Pastoral Apostolate, or SPA, is one of the implementing arms of the missionary endeavors of the Manila Priory. The sisters are assigned to the social apostolate in the outreach centers of our schools and hospitals. Those sisters took to heart the fiat they prayed in response to the exhortation from Micah 6:8: “And what does…