Rogation Procession 2022

 Rogation and Ascension Traditionally, rogation processions are held in the days preceding the feast of Ascension to ask for a good harvest and blessing on the fields.  We in the Casa community had our rogation procession on May 10 between lauds and Holy Mass. While singing the litany of the saints and following the cross…

Pioresses‘ Meeting

On May 11, the Prioresses‘ Meeting began. During the Opening Mass all participants entered with an entrance procession led by the junior sisters. The participants together with Sr. Maria Cimperman, RSCJ, the guest speaker

First Profession of Vows and Silver Jubilee of Profession in Peramiho

  The names from left to right are: Newly professed Sr. Mary Joseph, Sr. Maria Caroline, Sr. Mary James, Sr. Maria Eusebia, Sr. Marie Stella and Sr. Maria Sesilia. Second row: Sr. Gracia, OSB (Novice Directress), Silver Jubilarians: Sr. Febronia and Sr. Paula (Ndanda), Sr. Laurensia, Sr. Fortunata, Sr. Deogratia, and Sr. Ottilia (Ndanda) with…