Laudato Sí Movement

The earth has yielded its fruit, for God, our God, has blessed us. (Ps 67:7) In the Casa Community in Rome we are gifted with a big garden, which serves us as a place of relaxation, to find peace while listening to the many birds, to pray in the silence and lend our ear to…

Richly Blessed!

Richly Blessed! The Norfolk community has been richly blessed with an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables. The sisters normally join together to tackle the heavy canning and freezing of foods. It is a big job, but because of our working together, we do manage well. We are grateful to God and to all those…

First Profession in Olinda

First Profession in Olinda On July 11, 2021 Sr. Maria Renária Henrique Avelino said her yes during the celebration of her first profession in Olinda / Brazil.  Prioress Sr. Madalena Mendonça with the newly professed Sister Maria Renária The Holy Mass was presided over by Archbishop Antônio Fernando Saburido, himself being a Benedictine monk.    SEE MORE…