It was truly a special day in the Casa community in Rome.
We celebrated the feast day of our Prioress General M. Maoro Sye.
At the same time it is a special day for all formandees in our Congregation
remembering the first young disciples of St. Benedict.
Our junior sisters took over all duties in the liturgy like chantresses, reader, hebdomadarian and in the refectory. It was a joy for all sisters to listen to the junior sisters and see their commitment and giftedness.
During the evening program we celebrated M. Maoro and the juniors sisters, but also had to bid farewell to Sr. Marie Hermann and Sr. Rosaria, who will leave Rome.
We thank Sr. Marie Hermann who supported our Casa community for four years with her manifold services here and there and her friendly presence.
We will miss also Sr. Rosaria who after seven years of study will go back to Daegu.
May God bless their new beginning in Daegu!
The juniors showed us with their presentation of a Korean dance and a Swahili song how much they enriched each other with their different cultures.