Final Profession in Nairobi

On April 6, Nairobi Priory celebrated the Final Profession of Sr. Gertrude Wanza David, Sr. Anuarite Akumu Okello,  Sr. Jackline Chemutai Tonui, and Sr. Hilda Nekesa Wanyonyi.  from left to right: Sr. Rosa Pascal, Prioress, Sr. Lusina Ng’eny, junior directress, with the newly professed Sr. Gertrude Wanza David, Sr. Anuarite Akumu Okello,  Sr. Jackline Chemutai Tonui, and Sr. Hilda Nekesa Wanyonyi After the liturgy…

Visit of MFP participants

On Easter Monday April 1, 6 participants of the Monastic Formators’ Program visited our Casa community, one among them our Sr. Sarah Elizabeth McMahon from Norfolk Priory. After lunch and praying together Regina Caeli, there was time for encounter and exchange. Thank you for your visit andWelcome again!

New Missionary in Bulgaria

 On February 13, Sr. Juliana Malila from Peramiho Priory arrived as new missionary in Bulgaria. She was welcomed by Sr. Ludwig and Sr. Mary Grace at the airport… and by the whole community at the entrance of the community… and in the refectory. We thank Peramiho Priory for sending her to Bulgaria to strengthen the small communityand…

Manila Visitation

 On February 12, the visitation in Manila Priory by M. Maoro Sye, assisted by Sr. Lumen Gloria Dungca was officially opened.  Yet already before that Sr. Lumen Gloria, who had arrived earlier, visited communities and had personal interviews with sisters. Visit in Pambujan Visit to Holy Family Academy, Angeles Angeles Community Visit to Bacolod Visit in…

Prayer for First and Final Profession in Torres Novas Priory / Angola

The Missionary Benedictine Sisters of Tutzing, Torres Novas Priory – Angola,cordially invite you to the Eucharistic celebration with the rite of  First Profession of Novice Teresa C. P. Severino and  Final Profession of Sr. Alda Valentina Menezes, OSBSr. Maria Benedicta Paulo Panzo, OSBSr. Maria Inês Chicaleta, OSBSr Maria Imaculada Chiuco, OSB on Saturday, February 10, 2024 at 9 am at St. Monica Parishin…