Prayer for Final profession in Peramiho Priory

With gratitude to God,the Missionary Benedictine Sisters of Tutzing, Peramiho Priory,joyfully announce the Final Profession. The Rite of Perpetual Profession of Sr. Maria Reinolda Shayo, OSBSr. Mary John Mwalongo, OSBSr. Maria Gemma Hamaro, OSBSr. Marie Hubertine Pakayi- pawi, OSB will be celebrated during Masson Monday 10 February 2025, 9:30 amSt. Benedict’s Abbey Church, Peramiho Let us accompany…

Generalate conducts Prioresses’ Orientation

 September 18 – 20 the generalate conducted the orientation for new prioresses for Sr. Bethania Lee, prioress of Daegu, and Sr. Bernarda Hyera, prioress of Peramiho. After the opening prayer and the welcome through M. Maoro, the generalate listened to the concerns of each of the two priories. Then, different members of the generalate explained…

First Profession in Peramiho

On August 6, Novice Lucia Mpejiwa and Novice Lamberta Nakamba celebrated in Permiho their first profession.The rite took place during an Eucharistic celebration in the priory house chapel. They read their profession card expressing their commitment to follow Christ in religious life,persevere in the Congregation of the Missionary Benedictine Sisters of Tutzingand to live in obedience according…