XIV General Chapter Closed

During the Closing Mass on October 29, the message of the Chapter was brought in an offertory procession to the altar, as we thanked God for his guidance. In the closing liturgy, all delegates could express their gratitude for the successful completion of the chapter while putting her light on the logo. M. Maoro distributed…

New Generalate Elected

After the election of the new Prioress General on October 8, the General Councillors were elected on October 9.The new generalate members are: Sr. Rosann Ocken of Norfolk Priory / USA Sr. Mary Thomas Prado of Manila Priory / Philippines Sr. Katharina Mtitu of Peramiho Priory / Tanzania Sr. Philippa Kwak of Daegu Priory / South Korea Sr. Marie-Therese Brodmann…

XIV General Chapter Opened

On September 24, the XIV General Chapter Was Opened at Casa Santo Spirito in Rome.   The Opening Mass was presided over by the newly elected Abbot Primate Jeremias Schröder, OSB with the concelebration of Fr. Javier Aparicio, OSB. In his homily Abbot Primate spoke to us about the need for forgiveness and reconciliation always…

Congregation Exhibit opened

On September 23, the Congregation Exhibit was opened in the Casa Santo Spirito by M. Maoro Sye and M. Angela Strobel in the presence of the community members and chapter delegates to the XIV General Chapter. It was a recommendation of the XIII General Chapter 2018 to the Generalate: To preserve and appreciate the history…

Generalate conducts Prioresses’ Orientation

 September 18 – 20 the generalate conducted the orientation for new prioresses for Sr. Bethania Lee, prioress of Daegu, and Sr. Bernarda Hyera, prioress of Peramiho. After the opening prayer and the welcome through M. Maoro, the generalate listened to the concerns of each of the two priories. Then, different members of the generalate explained…