Sr. Elenice Aparecida Ferrrari re-elected as Prioress of Torres Novas Priory

On March 19, Sr. Elenice Aparecida Ferrari was elected for a second term as Prioress of Torres Novas Priory, which includes the communities in Portugal, Spain and Angola.  The election was done simultaneously in Torres Novas / Portugal presided over by Sr. Lumen Gloria Dungca and in Kikolo-Luanda / Angola presided over by Sr. Vania…

The Way of the Cross with the Pope’s Intention

 Lenten time is a special season for Christians to delve deeper into the paschal mystery,the mystery of suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We follow Jesus on his way of the cross,united with Pope Francis and the whole Church.We invite you to join us too. If you would like to pray in a different format…

JPIC-Work in Olinda Priory

 “We can all cooperate as God’s instruments for the care of creation, each according to his or her own culture, experience, involvement and talents” (Laudato Si’ 14).  With this motivation, Sr. Glória, Sr. Karla, Sr. Maria, Sr. Macionila, Sr. Rita Maria, Sr. Marineide and Sr. Maria Inez, Laudato SI Animators of the Priory of Olinda,…


It was a time of getting to know each other, intense sharing and learning, working and praying together. During pilgrimages in and around Rome the could encounter the Saints: St. Benedict and Scholastica, St. Peter and Paul, St. Cecilia and many more, could walk the ways they walked, breathe the air they breathed… together…

Ndanda Visitation Ongoing

On February 24 the canonical visitation was opened in Ndanda Priory.It will be conducted by M. Maoro Sye assisted by Sr. Katharina Mtitu. In the Priory House Chapel 1st workshop in Ndanda 2nd workshop with junior sisters with the intensifiers and three prioresses present for teaching(Sr. Rosa Pascal, Sr. Simon Lee and Sr. Raphaela Mlwilo) …

Ash Wednesday

Remember that you are dust, and into dust you shall return. Every year we are reminded that we are dust,fragile, mortal, small. Fr. Leonardo pointed out the three features of ashes:It is light – we are called to be light, easily to be moved by the blow of the Spirit.It is used as fertiliser in…

Congratulations for First Profession in Peramiho

 Congratualtions to Sr. Mary Francis Simwanza, Sr. Maria Saraphina Sanga, Sr. Maria Noela Kokushabira and Sr. Maria Beatrix Mjila, who celebrated their first profession in Peramiho on February 10. from left to right: Sr. Mary Beatrix, Sr. Maria Noela, Sr. Maria Saraphina, Sr. Mary Francis Sr. Maria Saraphina signs her profession card They sing together “Suscipe” –…