The Martyrs of our CongregationThey have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.

Martyr Sisters in East Africa (1888 – 1905)
They were murdered by rebels in Tanzania.

Sr. Martha Wansing
Jan 13, 1889
in Pugu

Sr. Felicitas Hiltner
Aug 14, 1905
near Mikukuyumbu

Sr. Cordula Ebert
Aug 14, 1905
near Mikukuyumbu

Sr. Walburga Diepolder
Aug 29, 1905
near Nyangao
Martyr Sisters in North Korea (1950-1952)
They died in North Korea under communism during the Korean War.

Sr. M. Eva Schütz
August 10, 1950
in Concentration Camp Oksadok

Sr. M. Fructuosa Gerstmayer
September16, 1952
in Concentration Camp Oksado

Sr. M. Lucia Pak
October 11, 1950
in SoonAhn

Oblatin Agneta Chang
October 14, 1950
in HamHeung-Prison
“Servants of God” 38 Deokwon Martyrs
They died in prison or labor camps between 1949 and 1952 while conducting missionary work.
The “Servants of God” 38 Deokwon Martyrs (By Hyeongju Kim)
The process for Beatification
The process is entitled “beatification Abbot Bishop Boniface Sauer (O.S.B.), Fr. Benedict Kim (O.S.B.) and companions”.
October 19, 2017 at 3:00 PM, the closing ceremony of the preliminary screening of the beatification of the servants of God, Abbot Bonifatius Sauer and 37 Companions was held in the auditorium of the Catholic Conference of Korea.
The martyrs were in the harsh trials and our people and the 38 martyrs kept faith giving their lives; and among them 4 of our Sisters were included.
“all died in the North Korean communist death camps during that terrible wave of anti-Catholic persecution after the communists came to power.