On Holy Thursday, the Church celebrates
the institution of the
Holy Eucharist.
Holy Eucharist.

Jesus Christ gave himself to us as bread broken – his body –
and wine poured out – his blood.
It happened on the day before he was to suffer.

After the solemn Eucharistic celebration the mood changes.
The Blessed Sacrament is brought to a place of repose,
the altar is stripped of the altar cloths, all decorations removed.

Sisters accompany the priest, as he is carrying the Blessed Sacrament.

During the evening meal, we remember the Passover meals of the Jews
and the last supper of our Lord.
As he served his disciples and washed their feet,
so are we called to serve one another in love.

During the night, we stay with Jesus and watch with him,
watch and pray.
We include in our prayers all those who are suffering during these days.

This is how all will know that you are my disciples:
If you love one another.