On Holy Friday, the Church remembers
the unjust condemnation, suffering and death of Jesus Christ.
the unjust condemnation, suffering and death of Jesus Christ.
The day begins for us with the office of readings,
where we sing and listen to texts from the Old and New Testament,
texts about salvation history containing suffering and renewed hope.
Hearing the lamentations of the Old Testament,
we pray for all those experiencing tribulations now.
Later during the day, we pray the stations of the cross.
We follow our Lord on his last steps of his earthly life from condemnation to burial.
In the afternoon at 3 pm we celebrate the liturgy of the Lord’s passion.
We listen to the passion according to John with different voices
and we pray for the Church and the whole world.

We adore the cross,
a cruel instrument of torture,
which became for us Christians the sign of salvation,
the sign of God’s love for us.
Behold the wood of the Cross,
on which hung the salvation of the world.