We begin the celebration of the
Resurrection of Our Lord in the night
gathering around a fire.
From this fire the Easter candle and all candles in our hands are lit.

Lumen Cristi – Christ is our light, who overcomes all darkness.

In the Exsultet the priest sings about this incomprehensible mystery of redemption:
This is the night, when Christ broke the prison-bars of death…
O love, o charity beyond all telling…

We hold the lights in our hands as a sign that we too praise this blessed night,
which dispels wickedness, washes faults away, restores innocence to the fallen
and joy to the mourners…

Listening to the readings from Old and New Testament,
we meditate on creation and re-creation,
on the saving power of God,
who sent His Son as redeemer.

In the intercessory prayers in different languages
we bring to God the needs of our whole world
and ask that He may complete His work of redemption.

Again we celebrate the Eucharist
in table fellowship with the Risen Lord.
He breaks the bread for us and gives it to nourish us on our way.

In the early morning of Sunday we get up to sing of Him like Mary:
“Yes, Christ my hope is arisen!”

In the early morning of Sunday we get up to sing of Him like Mary:
“Yes, Christ my hope is arisenAgain we come together to celebrate and sing Alleluia.!”
This is the day the Lord has made;
let us rejoice and be glad.