Final Profession in Norfolk
On November 9, Sr. Beatrice Francis Mdoe celebrated her final profession in Norfolk. Sr. Beatrice Francis belongs to Ndanda Priory. Congratulations and may God always uphold you!
On November 9, Sr. Beatrice Francis Mdoe celebrated her final profession in Norfolk. Sr. Beatrice Francis belongs to Ndanda Priory. Congratulations and may God always uphold you!
With joy the prioresses of Ndanda and Norfolk announce the final profession of Sr. Beatrice Francis Mdoe belonging to Ndanda Priory. The rite of profession will take place during a Eucharistic celebration in our Immaculata Monastery in Norfolk / USA on November 9 at 2 pm. Let us pray for her!
On September 21 Novice Patrícia Avelino da Silva made her first profession in the church of Our Lady of Mercy in Olinda, the seat of the priory house. She read her profession card in front of the celebrants and the assembly promising to follow Christ in religious community,to persevere in the Congregation of the Missionary Benedictine Sisters…
On September 8, Sr. Terese Zemale became the new and 8th superior of St. Benedict Monastery in Jinja / Uganda. She succeeds Sr. Benedicta Yeo as superior. She was delegated by M. Maoro Sye, Prioress General, to install Sr. Terese as superior. We congratulate Sr. Terese and thank her for her yes to this service of…
September 18 – 20 the generalate conducted the orientation for new prioresses for Sr. Bethania Lee, prioress of Daegu, and Sr. Bernarda Hyera, prioress of Peramiho. After the opening prayer and the welcome through M. Maoro, the generalate listened to the concerns of each of the two priories. Then, different members of the generalate explained…
On September 14, Ndanda Priory was happy to celebrate the Final Profession of Sr. Neema Adyuti Mkolokoti, OSB Sr. Hildegard John Shayo, OSB Sr. Victoria Mathias Danga, OSB Sr. Faustina Paulo Kadinde, OSB from right to left: Sr. Neema, Sr. Hildegard, Sr. Victoria, Sr. Faustina and the Silver Jubliee of Sr. Tumaini Ajali, OSB and Sr.…
On Septemeber 1, the Casa community celebrated united with the Church the Day of Creation. During the mass in the morning, the fruits of our garden were brought together with bread and wine in procession and dancing to the altar. The same fruits were donated the following day for the poor. In the afternoon, the…
Blessed is she who believed that the promise made her by the Lord would be fulfilled! (Lk 1:45)Mother Maria Madalena Ferreira de Mendonça, Prioress, and the Missionary Benedictine Sisters ofTutzing, Olinda Priory ask your prayer for Novice Patrícia Avelino da Silva, who will make her first profession on Saturday, September 21 at 9 am in the Nossa Senhora da Misericórdia…
Mother Prioress and the Missionary Benedictine Sisters of Tutzing in Ndanda ask your prayers for Sr. Neema Adyuti Mkolokoti, OSB Sr. Hildegard John Shayo, OSB Sr. Victoria Mathias Danga, OSB Sr. Faustina Paulo Kadinde, OSB who will make their final profession and Sr. Tumaini Ajali, OSB. Sr. Fides Msanga, OSB who will celebrate their silver…
On August 15, the Casa community celebrated with the whole Church the solemnity of The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. When we see the Mosaic of Santa Maria Trastevere church in Rome, how beautifully Mary’s Assumption (dormition) shows us our own destiny. Like Mary, we can look with hope to the future when we, too, will…