Olinda: Students help Flood Victims
Students from Colégio Imaculado Coração de Maria in Olinda Pernambuco, collect donations for those displaced by the heavy rains in the metropolitan region.
Students from Colégio Imaculado Coração de Maria in Olinda Pernambuco, collect donations for those displaced by the heavy rains in the metropolitan region.
Blood Donation Campaign The São Vicente de Paulo Hospital in Barbalha run by our sisters participated in the Blood Donor Day June 14 by launching a blood donation campaign. We thank all who are ready to help those in need by this blood donation! Barbalha Hospital starts new Project On June 16, 2022,…
The visitation in Sorocaba by M. Maoro Sye and Sr. Vania Maria Toscano was officially opened on June 12. Visit in the Infirmary Visit to the school of Sorocaba Workshop with the first group of sisters Community in Araçoiaba da Serra Community in Itapetininga Workshop with the second group of sisters Community in Presidente Prudente School…
Sr. Irani Bernardo Evangelista, OSB, director of Academia Santa Gertrudes, together with Professor Ivis and students from Elementary School 1, on the 110th anniversary of ASG. On June 3, the Santa Gertrudes Academy in Olinda / Brazil completed 110 years. Through all these years our sisters together with lay mission partners…
The visitation in Norfolk Priory took place from February 13 – 26, 2022 conducted by Sr. Lumen Gloria Dungca assisted by Sr. Katharina Mtitu. Opening the visitation in Winnebago Sr. Katharina with Sr. Josephine >> NORFOLK PRIORY
In March 2022 Sr. Luciana Aparecida Andrade sent from Sorocaba to Argentina. She received the mission cross by Prioress M. Ursula Fuchs. We pray for a fruitful mission of Sr. Luciana in Argentina!
On March 19, 2022 Sr. Maria Juliana Lins and Sr. Escolástica Moura celebrated their final profession in Olinda Priory / Brazil. During the litany of all Saints Singing: Suscipe me Domine After the celebration with M. Madalena Mendonça, Prioress and M. Angela Strobel, Junior Directress
“Do not be afraid, for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Our dear Sr. Lucida (Beatrix) Schmieder, OSB was called home to God on December 25, 2021 in Barbalha. She was born on June 16, 1927 in Bruchsal , Diocese of Freiburg in Germany. She offered…
Sharing with others especially the poor and the needy In this picture we are giving this hand made quilt to the “Giving Guides” a group that deals directly with people on the streets. Rosary Making These rosaries have traveled to many different continentents. Trees and garden produce our compound is not so large, he uses…
The Earth Day – School Event Reuse, Reduce, Recycle Ecological environment presentation by students The Franciscan Priest and the children with the dogs will be put side by side. The priests came to the school maybe on the feast of St. Francis to bless the animals.