100 Years Presence of MBS in USA

On July 31, 1923, Sisters Diemud Gerber, Ludovika Kohler, Iniga Endres, and Soteris Spieler arrived in the German farming village of Raeville, Nebraska, to begin the new foundation of Missionary Benedictine Sisters in the USA. A mass of thanksgiving was held in Raeville on July 30. Thanksgiving Mass in Raeville July 30:More than 400 faithful assembled to…

JPIC-Work in Olinda Priory

 “We can all cooperate as God’s instruments for the care of creation, each according to his or her own culture, experience, involvement and talents” (Laudato Si’ 14).  With this motivation, Sr. Glória, Sr. Karla, Sr. Maria, Sr. Macionila, Sr. Rita Maria, Sr. Marineide and Sr. Maria Inez, Laudato SI Animators of the Priory of Olinda,…