JPIC-Work in Olinda Priory

 “We can all cooperate as God’s instruments for the care of creation, each according to his or her own culture, experience, involvement and talents” (Laudato Si’ 14).  With this motivation, Sr. Glória, Sr. Karla, Sr. Maria, Sr. Macionila, Sr. Rita Maria, Sr. Marineide and Sr. Maria Inez, Laudato SI Animators of the Priory of Olinda,…

Priory in Olinda

From January 2 – 4, sisters of Olinda priory gathered together to work out a plan for the next three years. These were wonderful days of reflection and deepening, but also relaxation with animation by Sister Fátima Cardoso, Sister Lídia and Sister Aleluia.  Through the collaboration of all sisters and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit,…

Congratulations for Temporal Profession of Sr. Isabela Barbosa dos Anjos

On January 1, 2023, Olinda Priory celebrated the temporary profession of Sr. Isabela Barbosa dos Anjos at Academia Santa Gertrudes in Olinda.  Sr. Isabela showing her profession card. After the liturgical celebration followed the joyfully being together with the sisters,here with prioress M. Madalena Mendonça and junior directress Sr. Maria do Socorro da Silva.