Prayer for First Profession in Jinja
Our prayers are requested for Novice Mary Ayinkamiye,who will celebrate her first profession onAugust 6, 2024 at 10 am in St. Benedict Monastery Jinja.
Our prayers are requested for Novice Mary Ayinkamiye,who will celebrate her first profession onAugust 6, 2024 at 10 am in St. Benedict Monastery Jinja.
“I am the Lord’s servant. May it be done unto me according to your word.” Luke 1:38 We are invited to pray for Novice Lucia Mpejiwa and Novice Lamberta Nakamba, who will celebrate their first profession on August 6, 2024 at 10 am in the Priory House Chapel of the St. Scholastica Priory in Peramiho. Novice Lucia Mpejiwa Novice…
On June 30, the Tanzania Mission Renwal Program started with 23 participants from all 12 priories.The theme for the program is:In the Footsteps of our Pioneers;Reclaiming our Missionary Zeal They met in the center of the Tanzanian Episcopal Conference in Dar es Salaam,where they received the online opening conference by M. Maoro Sye from Rome,followed…
On June 22, Sr. Simon Lee was re-elected as Prioress of Windhoek for a second term of three years. The election chapter was presided over by Sr. Lumen Gloria Dungca. Congratulations to Sr. Simon and the Windhoek Priory!
On the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, June 7, the new convent of the Sacred Heart Community in Majengo / Runzewe was opened and blessed. Our community belonging to Ndanda Priory stayed in Kabuhima / Runzewe since 2009 in the house of the parish.As the place became increasingly too small and busy, the sisters could with the…
On May 31, four novices made their first profession and one sister, Sr. Maria Goretti Achieng, celebrated her ruby jubilee. The newly prfessed sisters are Sr. Jean Florence, Sr. Mary Grace Aime, Sr. Immaculate and Sr. Mary Christiane. The eucharistic celebration was presided over by Abbot John Baptist Oese of Tigoni. from left to right: Sr.…
The Prioress and Community of the Missionary Benedictine Sisters of Tutzing, Sacred Heart Priory Nairobicordially invitesto the Eucharistic Celebration with Rite of First Monastic Profession of: Novice Florence Ketchup Nov. Aimerance K. Matata Nov. Veronica M. Musumbi Nov. Christine W. Njoroge And Ruby Jubilee of: Sr. Maria Goretti Achieng OSB. At Sacred Heart Priory, Karen –…
On May 18, Saturday before Pentecost, Sr. Mary Celestine Ngesheya pronounced her final profession in the chapel of the priory house of Windhoek.The holy mass was presided over by Fr. Werner Simanekeni Afunde, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Windhoek. The profession card is signed by Sr. Mary Celestine and M. Simon Lee, prioress from…
On May 3, Peramiho Priory celebrated the Final Profession of Sr. Mary Paul Chintala, Sr. Regina Neema Mlelwa, Sr. Maria Elizabeth Kibonge, Sr. Maria Ester Tarimo, and Sr. Mary Faith Kimario. The Holy Mass with the rite in the abbey church was presided over by Right Reverend Abbot Oktavian Masingo, OSB of Hanga Abbey. from left…
“Do not be afraid, for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Our dear Sr. Francisca (Francisca) Kaesa, OSB was called home to God on April 29, 2024 in Nairobi, Kenya. She was born on May 25, 1964 in Masinga, Diocese of Machakos, Kenya. She offered herself…